
alternant adj.1.交替的,互換的。2.【地質學;地理學】(砂與...

The development of information technology has promoted deepening of educational reform , and the construction of educational resources based the environment of network is an important respect in educational informatization , so the website of special topic studies is a new form in the informatization educational resources “ construction , and it is special , professional , and alternant 信息技術的發展促進了教育改革的深入,網絡環境下教育資源的建設是教育信息化的重要方面,專題學習網站是信息化教育資源建設的一種新形式,具有針對性強、專題知識豐富、交互性好等特點。


Basically speaking , american media has possessed all characters of modern media including the typical characters in the civil society when developing from traditional forms , thus it is more valuable if we do research on relations between media and society by analyzing american media . paying attention to the media practice and observing media in the society , the author try to frame a ” history - society - media ” systemic structure to understand the alternant relations between american television and society and interpret the role of television in the society , from an angle of historical society , around an axes of the historical process in this thesis 本文闡釋了美國電視與社會關系發展的歷史,歸納出60年代電視事業發展的特點,并介紹了美國公共電視的發展以及60年代的知名電視人;通過對具體的三大政治事件:肯尼迪遇刺事件、民權運動和越南戰爭的分析,闡明了60年代的美國電視發展與這些事件的關系;通過與其它媒介的比較分析,考察了電視業在美國社會中的地位和對社會的影響。

Mac , nist - rbac access control model ; 2 . analyzes the access control needs of the applied electronic government system ; 3 . uses the language of uml to proceed the detailed design to the system of rbac ; 4 , uses the language of xml to describe access control information to the model of rbac and illustrates alternant techniques of xml realization in the distributed type of network environment ; 5 在訪問控制設計部分,本文做了如下工作: 1 、對dac 、 mac 、 nist - rbac訪問控制模型進行了分析比較; 2 、分析了電子政務應用系統的訪問控制需求; 3 、用uml語言對rbac系統進行了較為詳細的設計; 4 、用xml語言對rbac模型的訪問控制信息進行了描述,并闡述了分布式網絡環境下xml交互的實現技術。

This system has some functions as following : first , statistic analysis and valuation of the spatial distribution of beijing traffic noise ; second , real - time simulation of the affection that is traffic noise in residential area ; third , previewing statues and standards of environmental noise ; fourth , management of spatial data and property data ; fifth , alternant querying of spatial data and property data ; sixth , inputting graphs and tables . we can build accurate and identical channels of information ' s coming , accelerate the circulation rate of environmental information , and increase the efficiency of environmental information resources by studying and implementing metropolitan environmental noise management information system . meanwhile , it can reduce the burden of these environmental workers 城市道路交通噪聲信息管理系統的研究與實施可以建立準確、一致的信息來源渠道,加快環境信息的流通速度,提高環境信息資源的利用率,減輕環境工作者的工作負擔,提高環境管理工作中的效率,為環境管理和環境規劃與評價提供依據;該系統的建立與開發同時也為開發類似系統的環境工作者提供參考和借摘要一鑒,為今后實施集水、氣、噪聲、固體廢棄物為一體的環境管理信息系統平臺提供了一個子框架。

The principle and the application range of ga are studied . based on the ergonomics ' alternant traits and the methods to set up contact points set or surface ' s form , the ga approach is brought forward for ergonomics form design the methods of genetic coding , initial colony forming , fitness function constructing and seed group selecting are discussed in detail 在探討了人機交互的特性、接觸點集和曲面形態的建立方法的基礎上,提出了將遺傳算法應用于產品人機形態設計中的基因編碼、初始種群的產生、適應度函數的構造和種群選擇等運算方法。

The method make mathcad as the software to analyze numerical value . use it strong capability of calculation to make up the deficiency of microwave . through the alternant using of calculate the different circuit structures and parameters through mathcad , to make up the calculation shortage of microwave 該方法引入mathcad作為本課題的數值分析軟件,利用其強大的數值分析計算能力對不同電路結構的電路參數進行計算,彌補microwave在計算方面的不足,通過兩個軟件結合使用,提高設計的效率。

The variational trait of the first temporal coefficient is that the coefficient is often positive in 1960s , often negative in 1970s , the break point often happen in 1960s and 1970s , especialy 1970s ; the fluctuate of the second temporal coefficient of year . spring and autumn appears little change , but appears much change of summer and winter , the break point often happen in 1980s and 1990s , specially 1980s ; the change trend of the third temporal coefficient is not obvious during 1961 to 2000 , only appears clear raise in the anaphase 1990s ; it is difficult to detail the positive and negative trend of the fourth temporal coefficient , the situation of the coefficient appears alternant change of positive value and negative value , the break points happen concentratively in 1990s , the situation of the fifth temporal coefficient is like the fourth ' s ; the alternate of positive value and negative value of the sixth temporal coefficient is obvious , then the negative trend take advantage after 1990s , the distribution of the break point is even , but most of them still in 1990s ; the break points happen many times , but it is limited that the break points attain 0 . 05 significance test 第一時間系數變化大體有如下特點:對年和季節來說, 60年代系數多表現為正值, 70年代多表現為負值,突變點多發生于60 、 70年代,特別是60年代;第二時間系數在年、春季、秋季表現為波動很小,夏季和冬季則很大,突變點多發生于80 、 90年代,特別是80年代;第三時間系數正負變化趨勢不明顯,只是90年代后期在年和夏季降水中升高明顯;第四時間系數基本無明顯正負趨勢可言,只是正負交替出現,突變點集中出現在90年代;同第四時間系數相似,第五時間系數亦無明顯正負趨勢,突變點多出現在90年代;第六時間系數正負交替明顯,進入叨年代后負趨勢為主,突變點分布較均勻,但仍以904atvjz多;突變點出良多,但突變區域艾擇no 05 ggrr著性以上的卻有限。

The development of information technology has promoted deepening of educational reform , and the construction of educational resources based the environment of network is an important respect in educational informatization , so the website of special topic studies is a new form in the informatization educational resources “ construction , and it is special , professional , and alternant 信息技術的發展促進了教育改革的深入,網絡環境下教育資源的建設是教育信息化的重要方面,專題學習網站是信息化教育資源建設的一種新形式,具有針對性強、專題知識豐富、交互性好等特點。

Because localization of vrml2 . 0 on moving functions and more embodiment of vitality and reality , i use java language . bcause it has points of mutuality , safety and credibility , smallness and agility , facing object , distributed network communications , multithreading and so on , and makes up difference between bandwidth and m anagement ability , and transmitts rich and colorful and alternant media on actual bandwidth condition 由于vrml2 . 0版本語言在運動功能上的局限性,同時也為了更好體現逼真性、生動性的特點。我引入了java語言。由于它具有廣泛移植性,面向對象,交互性,分布式的網絡通信,安全可靠,小巧靈活,多線程等一系列優良性能,同時彌補了帶寬與處理能力之間的差距,可在當前的帶寬狀態下傳送豐富多彩及交互式媒體。

Based all above , the digital railway plan system is developed . the system can do some operations including alternant planning the railway in the 3d terrain landscape , 3d modeling , budgeting the count of evolution , querying the information of the railway , outputting of avi 該系統實現了在三維地形景觀中進行交互式的鐵路選線設計,并能對設計出的鐵路線進行三維建模、挖方量預算、信息查詢以及三維場景的avi動畫文件輸出。

To some less important components , alternant amelioration is fit for and to some sensitive components , the orthogonal calculation is better . this research had done a large number of calculations in different working condition for different stems 一些對強度、剛度影響小的構件,直接進行改進,而一些重要構件則安排正交計算表,進行了不同工況水平下的多次計算,從中尋求輕量化設計方案。

In this paper , coordination accuracy calculating program is developed based on studying the main way and method of solving coordination problem , which is able to calculate self - motion and distribute tolerance in reason through input alternant information 研究了解決協調問題的主要方法,由此開發出協調準確度計算軟件,具有交互式信息輸入、自動計算、合理分配公差等功能。

Abstract : the paper interprets alternant polarization phenomen on of even alternant hydrocarbons by discussing charge density on every position of even alternate when it is polarized using perturbational molecular orbitals ( pmo ) 文摘:本文用微擾分子軌道法( pmo )討論了偶交替烴被極化時各位置上的電荷密度,解釋了偶交替烴電荷的交替極化現象。

This system provides user an alternant condition with convenience and directness and wieldy by adopting multi - document interface ( mdi ) based on graph user interface ( gui ) , and auto transforms assessment results to word report 該系統采用了以圖形用戶界面( gui )為基礎的多重文檔界面( mdi ) ,為用戶提供了一個方便、直觀、易于操作的交互環境。

Thirdly stb application : including the design and the display of chinese ui and menu , the response and the manage of ui , menu and user alternant operation 機頂盒應用程序,包括:機頂盒中文智能化用戶界面的實現、菜單的設計與顯示、用戶界面/菜單/用戶交互操作的響應和管理等。

This system realizes intelligent design of coordination relation and edits coordinate charts easily and efficiently through alternant compilation 開發出基于知識的自動決策系統,該系統通過交互編輯,實現了協調關系的智能化輔助決策和協調圖表的快速設計。

Tft lcm was tested by line inversion mode under the condition of alternant vcom voltage , after the sample was made by cog and tab craft 在通過cog 、 tab工藝完成樣品制作后,采用行翻轉驅動方式, vcom交替變換的方式對tft顯示屏進行了驅動點亮測試。

The iatrical ultrasonic is about 1 - 15mhz at present , which generated by piezoelectricity crystal at the function of alternant electric field 目前,醫用超聲波的范圍多在1 15mhz ,是由壓電晶體在交變電場作用下發生機械振動而產生。

The biggest characteristic of long - range education is to be mixed remotely alternant , it changed a tradition face - to - face classroom education mode 遠程教育的最大特點是遠程和交互,它改變了傳統的面對面的課堂教學模式。