
altercation n.爭辯,吵嘴,口角。

Some school officials say the games are a distraction and can lead to fights at recess . others say theft is a concern since elementary students ca n ' t lock their lockers . “ they are distractions at recess , in terms of kids wanting to play with them , which leads to altercations , “ said peter bonaccorsi , principal of milford elementary school 另一所小學的校長彼得伯納科爾西說: “那些游戲機會讓孩子們在課間休息時變得心煩意亂,由于很多學生在同一時間內都想在它們身上一試身手,這很可能會導致相互間的激烈爭吵。 ”

Some school officials say the games are a distraction and can lead to fights at recess . others say theft is a concern since elementary students can t lock their lockers . “ they are distractions at recess , in terms of kids wanting to play with them , which leads to altercations , “ said peter bonaccorsi , principal of milford elementary school 另一所小學的校長彼得伯納科爾西說: “那些游戲機會讓孩子們在課間休息時變得心煩意亂,由于很多學生在同一時間內都想在它們身上一試身手,這很可能會導致相互間的激烈爭吵。 ”

One of the agents got into an “ altercation “ after a night on the town and was beaten , the television news organization said , citing police reports . striking or interesting in an unusual ways Abc援引警方提供的消息說,他們抵達布宜諾斯艾利斯的第二天晚上,一位特工與別人發生了“口角” ,而且還遭到了毆打。

One of the agents got into an “ altercation “ after a night on the town and was beaten , the television news organization said , citing police reports Abc援引警方提供的消息說,他們抵達布宜諾斯艾利斯的第二天晚上,一位特工與別人發生了“口角” ,而且還遭到了毆打。

“ altercation “ is a formal word and indicates a noisy argument “ altercation ”是個正式的詞,指吵吵嚷嚷的爭辯。

“ altercation “ is a formal word and indicates a noisy argument . “Altercation”是個正式的詞,指吵吵嚷嚷的爭辯。


A florida jury acquitted 7 formerboot camp gurads and a nurse charged with manslaughter in the death of a 14 - year - old boy roughed up in a videotaped altercation . the all - white jury took about 90 minutes to decide if guardes killed the black teen 一個佛羅里達的陪審團宣布被指控的七名前海軍訓練營保衛和一名護士無罪.這些人被指控在一次爭吵過失打死了一個十四的男孩,一錄象帶拍下了毆打的全過程.這個全部由白人組成的陪審團大概用了90分鐘來判定殺死該黑人男孩的保衛是否有罪

Some school officials say the games are a distraction and can lead to fights at recess . others say theft is a concern since elementary students ca n ' t lock their lockers . “ they are distractions at recess , in terms of kids wanting to play with them , which leads to altercations , “ said peter bonaccorsi , principal of milford elementary school 另一所小學的校長彼得伯納科爾西說: “那些游戲機會讓孩子們在課間休息時變得心煩意亂,由于很多學生在同一時間內都想在它們身上一試身手,這很可能會導致相互間的激烈爭吵。 ”

Florida jury acquitted 7 formerboot camp gurads and a nurse charged with manslaughter in the death of a 14 - year - old boy roughed up in a videotaped altercation . the all - white jury took about 90 minutes to decide if guardes killed the black teen 一個佛羅里達的陪審團宣布被指控的七名前海軍訓練營保衛和一名護士無罪.這些人被指控在一次爭吵過失打死了一個十四的男孩,一錄象帶拍下了毆打的全過程.這個全部由白人組成的陪審團大概用了90分鐘來判定殺死該黑人男孩的保衛是否有罪

Then the public cooled again , for the ensuing scenes were found tiresome . old bosc , an imbecile jupiter with head crushed beneath the weight of an immense crown , only just succeeded in raising a smile among his audience when he had a domestic altercation with juno on the subject of the cook s accounts 老演員博斯克出場了,他扮演笨蛋朱庇特,頭上戴著一頂碩大無朋的帽子,腦袋似乎要被帽子壓碎似的,他與天后朱諾為了廚娘報帳的事發生了口角,這時觀眾的愁眉舒展了一會兒。

The preparation of breakfast burnt offering : intestinal congestion and premeditative defecation holy of holies : the bath rite of john : the funeral rite of samuel : the advertisement of alexander keyes urim and thummin : the unsubstantial lunch rite of melchizedek : the visit to museum and national library holy place : the bookhunt along bedford row , merchants arch , wellington quay simchath torah : the music in the ormond hotel shira shirim : the altercation with a truculent troglodyte in bernard kiernan s premises holocaust : a blank period of time including a cardrive , a visit to a house of mourning , a leavetaking wilderness : the eroticism produced by feminine exhibitionism rite of onan : the prolonged delivery of mrs mina purefoy heave offering : the visit to the disorderly house of mrs bella cohen , 82 tyrone street , lower , and subsequent brawl and chance medley in beaver street armageddon : nocturnal perambulation to and from the cabman s shelter , butt bridge atonement 準備早餐燔祭351 ,腸內裝滿以及預先想到的排便至圣所352 ,洗澡約翰的儀式353 ,葬禮撒姆耳的儀式354 ,亞歷山大凱斯的廣告火與真理355 ,不豐盛的午餐麥基洗德356 ,訪問博物館和國立圖書館神圣的地方357 ,沿著貝德福德路商賈拱廊358 ,韋林頓碼頭搜購書籍喜哉法典359 ,奧蒙德飯店里的音樂歌中之歌360 。在伯納德卡南的酒吧里與橫蠻無理的穴居人361吵嘴燔祭。包括一段空白時間:乘馬車到辦喪事的家362去以及一次訣別曠野363 。

Algae - rich carbonate of cambrian is typical sediment of foreslope facies in sandu and danzhai , eastern guizhou province . after sediment , it experiences many changes of diagenetic environment , and takes place much diagenetic altercation , among which the biggest is salt water dolomilization , and then is compaction , recrystallization , pressure solution , organic dissolution , burial dolomilization , cementation and silicification 貴州省東部三都丹寨地區中上寒武統富藻碳酸鹽巖是典型的斜坡沉積,其在沉積后漫長的地質歷史時期內,經受了諸多成巖環境的改造,發生了極大的成巖變化,最大的成巖變化為咸水云化,其他的成巖作用有壓實作用重結晶作用壓溶作用有機溶解作用埋藏云化作用膠結作用及硅化作用等。

Negative : he omitted to mention the clandestine correspondence between martha clifford and henry flower , the public altercation at , in and in the vicinity of the licensed premises of bernard kiernan and co , limited , 8 , 9 and 10 little britain street , the erotic provocation and response thereto caused by the exhibitionism of gertrude gerty , surname unknown 密通信事在位于小不列顛街八九十號特準賣酒的伯納德基爾南股份有限公司內部和附近當眾吵嘴的事,以及由于格楚德格蒂,姓氏不詳裸露下體,進行色情的挑逗所引起的反應。

Some school officials say the games are a distraction and can lead to fights at recess . others say theft is a concern since elementary students can t lock their lockers . “ they are distractions at recess , in terms of kids wanting to play with them , which leads to altercations , “ said peter bonaccorsi , principal of milford elementary school 另一所小學的校長彼得伯納科爾西說: “那些游戲機會讓孩子們在課間休息時變得心煩意亂,由于很多學生在同一時間內都想在它們身上一試身手,這很可能會導致相互間的激烈爭吵。 ”

Adjacent to the men s public urinal he perceived an icecream car round which a group of presumably italians in heated altercation were getting rid of voluble expressions in their vivacious language in a particularly animated way , there being some little differences between the parties 他瞧見有輛冰淇淋車停在男子公共小便池附近。車子周圍估計是一群意大利人,相互之間有點,正在操著他們那生氣勃勃的語言,口若懸河,格外激烈地展開著舌戰。

Specialize in consultation of investment project and mechanism altercation for enterprise , evamation of credit rating of enterprise , on rearranging of enterprise assets , on real estates , evaluating on composite consultation of engineering project , helping enterprises to do diagnosis and improve themselves 企業資信評級,投、融資項目決策咨詢、企業轉、改制,資產重組評估,房地產評估,工程咨詢綜合評估,企業診斷、提升。

Florida jury acquitted seven former boot camp guards and a nurse charged with manslaughter in the death of a 14 - year - old boy roughed up in a videotaped altercation 美國佛羅里達州的陪審團宣布,前海軍訓練營地的七名警衛人員與一名護士無罪,此前,他們被指控是因為一卷錄像帶曾拍攝到他們在爭吵中可能過失打死了一名14歲的男孩。

A florida jury acquitted seven former boot camp guards and a nurse charged with manslaughter in the death of a 14 - year - old boy roughed up in a videotaped altercation 佛羅里達一陪審團宣判7名海軍新兵訓練營的警衛人員以及一名護士無罪,他們曾在一次爭吵中毆打一名14歲男孩,被攝像機拍下,并因此被控告犯下過失殺人罪。

Florida jury acquitted seven former boot camp guards and a nurse charged with manslaughter in the death of a 14 - year - old boy roughed up in a videotaped altercation 佛羅里達一陪審團宣判7名海軍新兵訓練營的警衛人員以及一名護士無罪,他們曾在一次爭吵中毆打一名14歲男孩,被攝像機拍下,并因此被控告犯下過失殺人罪。