
alterative adj.1.引起改變的。2.【醫學】增強體質的。n.【醫...

The case tells about c bank shenzhen branch ( cbsb ) , whose credit card business had been growing rapidly from the end of the 80 “ s of the 20th century to 1997 . after x bank produced a substitute for credit card and lead shenzhen credit card market not peace and quiet , lots of banks came on improving marketing manegement but cbsb did not do that under the alterative condition . in recent years , the credit card business of cbsb increased so slowly that its market share cut down continuously 案例正文描述了c銀行深圳分行銀行卡業務自八十年代后期開始,跟隨整個行業一起逢勃發展,一直持續到1997年;自x銀行替代品的推出從而打破深圳銀行卡市場的平靜后,同業間營銷戰火隨即蔓延開來,面對變化了的業態, c銀行深圳分行熟視無睹,依然故我,近年來其銀行卡業務增長緩慢、市場份額不斷萎縮,尤其銀行卡消費額開始大幅度滑坡,首次出現負增長。


Some measures of spam filtering , such as black or white list , manual rules and so on have been widely used . but it is difficult to maintain the rules because the features of spam are alterative , and the rules - based filtering is not satisfactory in practice . so these measures have certain limitations 近年來,有關垃圾郵件過濾技術的研究逐漸興起,常見的過濾方法有黑/白名單技術、規則過濾等,但由于垃圾郵件的特征在不斷地變化,規則難以維護、準確率不高等原因,這些方法都具有一定的局限性。

The notice requires all localities departments of quality and technical supervision must immediately arrange for food processed products in alterative grain , waste oils in the edible oils , dairy products of animal protein hydrolysate , soda consumption level of carbon dioxide and africa , the central african edible soy protein hydrolysate , peppery products in sudan , 17 kinds of possible existence of non - food raw materials illegal conduct special inspection of the scene production enterprises 通知要求各地質量技監部門要立即安排對糧食加工品中陳化糧、食用油中地溝油、乳制品中動物水解蛋白、碳酸飲料中非食用級二氧化碳、醬油中非食用蛋白水解液、辣味制品中蘇丹紅、腐竹中吊白塊等17種可能存在的非食用原料非法行為進行生產企業現場專項檢查。

The case tells about c bank shenzhen branch ( cbsb ) , whose credit card business had been growing rapidly from the end of the 80 “ s of the 20th century to 1997 . after x bank produced a substitute for credit card and lead shenzhen credit card market not peace and quiet , lots of banks came on improving marketing manegement but cbsb did not do that under the alterative condition . in recent years , the credit card business of cbsb increased so slowly that its market share cut down continuously 案例正文描述了c銀行深圳分行銀行卡業務自八十年代后期開始,跟隨整個行業一起逢勃發展,一直持續到1997年;自x銀行替代品的推出從而打破深圳銀行卡市場的平靜后,同業間營銷戰火隨即蔓延開來,面對變化了的業態, c銀行深圳分行熟視無睹,依然故我,近年來其銀行卡業務增長緩慢、市場份額不斷萎縮,尤其銀行卡消費額開始大幅度滑坡,首次出現負增長。

Test results show that under 2 - tone test in 5mhz tone spacing , the power amplifier system achieves - 50dbc imd3 with 20w output power , improved 20db in imd3 compared with the one without linearity . estimated value of aclr comes to 53db , which satisfies the 3gpp requirement for wcdma base - station transistor . further tests with alterative input power indicate a steady suppression to the imd3 controlled by the adaptive system 測試結果表明,自適應前饋功放系統在雙音輸出功率20w時三階交調系數小于- 50dbc ,鄰信道泄漏抑制比( aclr )的估算結果大于53db ,在理論上滿足3gpp對wcdma基站發射機的指標要求。

The dynamic mathematical model of the heat circuit has been developed by means of lumped - parameters according to the thermodynamics theory of the refrigeration system and translated into the cyber - simulation model with matlab , the simulation software . the simulative and experimental research has been carried out for the unsteady process during the start - up operation and the alterative work - status operation , which showed that the system performance were worse during the unsteady process , the outlet pressure of the heat - source exchanger was rather low during the beginning of the unsteady process , the heat circuit had a good flexibility to the working conditions 對熱環系統開機動態和變工況動態過程進行了計算機動態仿真研究和動態實驗研究,結果表明熱環系統在開機和變工況的動態過程中,其運行性能都較低;在動態過程開始的一小段時間內,熱環系統熱源換熱器出口壓力驟降到較低值;工況的變化對熱環系統的運行性能影響較小,說明熱環系統對實際應用條件有較強的適應性。

5 . . compred with control group , the serum mda , la has similar alterative tend in experiment group after hyperoxia intake . such results indicated that how to apply this method effectively after exercise maybe determined by intake time , which should be studied further . 6 吸氧組和對照組血乳酸的變化并沒有顯著性差異,提示,吸氧的恢復作用與吸氧濃度和吸氧時間密切相關,積極發揮吸氧在運動后的恢復效用可能存在某種有效方案,有待于進一步研究。

Quick diathermancy avoid damage to cmos chip and solder . precise design and good technics avoid damage due to attrition . vacuumize avoid alterative because of oxygenation during transportation . antistatic plastic core 傳熱吸收快,盡可能的避免對芯片和焊盤的損壞;精確的設計和制造工藝避免磨擦對焊盤可能造成的損壞;真空包裝避免?品在運輸途中氧化變質;防靜電塑料芯;符合美國軍隊及國家宇航局各種標準

Residential developments served by the proposed service are distant from rail station , public transport interchange or major franchised bus stop or gmb stop and use of alterative services will result in excessive number of interchanges ; and 所服務的住宅樓宇遠離鐵路車站、公共運輸交匯處或主要專營巴士站或專線小巴站;或使用其他運輸服務時須牽涉多次轉乘安排;及

Secondly , according to the effect of the change in the gas properties on the burning of burners , the possible adjustive measures are analyzed and at the basis of which corresponding alterative plans are proposed 然后,根據氣體物性改變對燃燒器燃燒的影響,分析可能的調整措施。在此基礎上提出相應的改造方案,并通過反復實驗確定其穩定工況和最佳方案。

On the other hand , the prepared nanocrystalline powders were used as the starting materials to explore alterative membrane preparing techniques whose methods are cost - effective , easy , simple , as well as high quality and efficiency of the membranes 本論文發明了濾涂成膜工藝,提出了改進型的干壓成膜工藝,并進一步制成單電池,研究了電池的輸出性能。

In automatic detecting test and control system , the computer exchange data with the controlling unit in order to realize the control by a better person - and - machine alterative approach of equipments 在自動化的檢測和控制系統中,監控計算機和控制單元之間需要進行數據的交換,以便以更好的人機交互方式實現對設備的控制。

The common hypotheses of the shell structure aren ' t alterative in the new finite element method , and it finishes the solution through the integral of the different laminas 新單元的計算方法不改變殼體結構的一般假設條件,利用厚度方向分段積分來完成問題的求解,并對層合截錐殼進行計算。

New curricula will come up with provide many more and wonderful alterative teaching materials for the students 新課程將為學生提供更多、更精彩的可供選擇的教材。

C test method of samples of geochemical exploration for oil and gas part 6 : determination of alterative carbonate 油氣化探試樣測定方法.第6部分:蝕變碳酸鹽

Hong kong identity card or an alterative identity document e . g . passport 香港身分證或其他身分證明文件(例如護照)

The more alterative , the more difficult the choice 選擇越多,愈難抉擇