
alteration n.1.變更,改變,變化。2.【地質學;地理學】蝕變。3...


I . the formation and alteration of the constitution 一、章程之訂定與變更。

I turned around to see the alterations lady 我轉頭去看,看見那位為我改禮服的女士。

Alterations , additions and improvements committee 改建加建暨改善工程委員會

Alteration of power supply system in program - control 程控交換機電源系統改造

Will also install the file alteration monitor 的同時也將會把檔案變化監看程式

The alteration information extraction by remote sensing 礦床蝕變信息的遙感提取方法

Personal alterations will be in your best interest 依照自己的興趣做出個人選擇。

L think l ' m going to have to get some alterations - - 我覺得我確實應該作出一些改變

Are system log records prohibited from alterations 有否禁止更改系統監察記錄?

L think l ' m going to have to get some alterations - 我覺得我確實應該作出一些改變

How does a branch handle registration of alteration 分支機構如何辦理變更登記

Work may be carried out to test whether an actual alteration of diet in individuals has any effect on the incidence, recurrence rate or fatality from heart disease . 可以開展這樣的實驗,看看確實改變了人們的膳食以后能否對心臟病的發病,復發率和病死產生什么影響。

Sir c.lyell in a striking passage has speculated in language almost identical with mine, on the effects of great alterations of climate throughout the world on geological distribution . 萊伊爾曾在一段動人的文章內,用和我幾乎相同的說法推測了全球氣候的大變動對于地理分布所起的影響。

The alteration can be created by moving the charges region or probe, or by placing a chopper either before or after the probe . 交變作用可以由帶電區域或探針運動而形成,也可以在探針前面或后面,安裝一斷續器產生交變作用。

Marianne was all the time busy in observing the direction of the wind, watching the variations of the sky, and imagining an alteration in the air . 瑪麗安則一直忙于觀察風吹的方向,注意天色的變化,幻想來一次空氣的對流。

Spray-zone diagenesis or seepage is another variant on hypersaline brine alteration of contemporaneous carbonates . 浪花帶的成巖作用或滲濾作用是影響同生碇酸鹽的起鹽囪水變化的另一個因素。

He warmly opposed every alteration of a place which affection had established as perfect with him . 他強烈地表示堅決不同意對這個地方進行任何改動。愛情已經使他把這個地方看作完美無缺的了。

The most objectionable part is, that the alteration of manners on being introduced into company is frequently too sudden . 最令人不習慣的是,剛被引進社交界時作風的變化常常過于突然。

Any person abruptly starved shows alterations in intermediary metabolism of protein, carbohydrate, and fat . 任何人突然遭到饑餓,就會出現蛋白質、碳水化合物和脂肪的中間代謝的改變。