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alter ego 短語和例子〔拉丁語〕1.他我,另一個我;個性中的另一面。...

Following in her father ' s footsteps , mariliz has created her own alter ego , lizvamp , who will serve as the campaign ' s poster girl 秉承父業,創造了自己的恐怖形像“吸血莉茲“ 。該形像將被作為這場獻血運動的海報女郎。

I said , “ girl , i don ' t want to know about your mild - mannered alter ego . 我就說: “姑娘,我不想知道你那溫柔的另一面”


Cult favourite sabu takes a break from his early high - octane road adventures to take a more measured , contemplative look at the forces of chance that affect a life . alter ego and preferred sabu actor tsutsumi shinichi stars as yamazaki , a would - be bank robber that also winds up a murderer . by accident , while yamazaki experiences an existential crisis , three yakuza kill a rival gang boss and then hide the body 瀟灑的開始:山崎猶如在塔倫天奴的電影里,在談論完美的罪案,然而一分鐘后,他要為他未正式執行打劫銀行的行動而疾走,別人打劫的錢天意安排落在他手上,然狂奔中他誤殺女美容師。

Nabokov ? s naming of the protagonists humbert humbert and clare quilty highlights the fact that quilty is the alter ego of humbert and his presence serves as nothing short of an irony and a revelation of the latter 作者納博科夫對主人公亨伯特?亨伯特和克萊爾?奎爾蒂的命名方式的規律說明:奎爾蒂是亨伯特的另一個自我,他的存在是對主人公的諷刺和揭示。

A killer known as four eyes appears mysteriously in tokyo , a city of sickness and degeneracy . he has taken on a justice - seeking alter ego to punish the ill - behaved people and the dregs of society , though he misses the shot every time 東京一個荒誕的病態都市出現一名神秘四眼狂徒武田真治飾,對于社會敗類施以私刑,但他每次都不能擊中目標。

You will probably die long before your alter egos come into view , but in principle , and if cosmic expansion cooperates , your descendants could observe them through a sufficiently powerful telescope 也許你早在見到另一個你的很久以前就死了,但是原則上,如果宇宙膨脹的方式肯配合,有一天你的后代子孫,應該可以用夠強的望遠鏡觀察到他們。

The idea of such an alter ego seems strange and implausible , but it looks as if we will just have to live with it , because it is supported by astronomical observations 這種分身的想法,看似荒誕不經又毫無說服力,不過未來我們也許不得不接受這個事實,因為它居然得到了天文觀測的支持!

A killer known as four eyes appears mysteriously in tokyo , a city of sickness and degeneracy . he has taken on a justice - seeking alter ego to punish th . . 東京一個荒誕的病態都市出現一名神秘四眼狂徒武田真治飾,對于社會敗類施以私刑,但他每次都不能擊中目標。

In china , the monkey king is a household name . everybody knows he uses a magical golden stick as a weapon and can be transformed into 72 alter egos 在中國,孫悟空是個家喻戶曉的名字。誰都知道他手中的金箍棒和七十二變本領。

Following in her father ' s footsteps , mariliz has created her own alter ego , lizvamp , who will serve as the campaign ' s poster girl 秉承父業,創造了自己的恐怖形像“吸血莉茲“ 。該形像將被作為這場獻血運動的海報女郎。

But i never expected his light - side alter ego , anakin skywalker , to intrigue me the way he does now 但是我從未期待過他個性中的另一面,那個光明面? ?阿納金?天行者? ?以他現有的方式激起了我的興趣。

He was the late president ' s alter ego and he is a close and influential friend of the president to be in office 他過去是已故總統的化身,而現在是即將就職的總統親密而有影響的朋友。

In a storytelling game , the players use the game ' s rules to create characters to serve as alter egos of a sort 在講故事游戲中,玩家根據規則建立起人物個性的每一面。

The parallel universes of your alter egos constitute the level i multiverse 你的眾多分身所處的平行宇宙,共同構成了第一個層次的多重宇宙。

He was my alter ego ; we were always picking up each other ' s thoughts 他是我最要好的朋友,我們總是能了解彼此在想些什麼。

I said , “ girl , i don ' t want to know about your mild - mannered alter ego . 我就說: “姑娘,我不想知道你那溫柔的另一面”

His alter ego is clark kent 他的凡人面是克拉克?肯特