
altar n.1.祭壇;圣餐臺;圣壇。2.(干船塢的)臺階。短語和...

altar boy

I fieel him drawingyou to the altar . - i ' m so sorry 我能感覺到他在鼓勵你下來-我很對不起你

And the fat of the sin offering shall he burn upon the altar 25贖罪祭牲的脂油要在壇上焚燒。

- i fieel him drawingyou to the altar . - i ' m so sorry -我能感覺到他在鼓勵你下來-我很對不起你

The altar upstairs in the prayer guild adds 2 prayer points 樓上的祭壇祈禱,祈禱會館增添2分

It is ( a ) sacrilege to steal a crucifix from an altar 從圣壇竊取耶穌受難像是褻瀆神靈的行為

The altar had been defiled by vandals 圣壇遭到破壞公物的人故意損壞

The soldiers swore to fight for the hearth and the altar 戰士們宣誓為保衛家庭和宗教而戰。

This is only seen on the funeral altars in japan 只有在喪禮上,筷子才會插在祭壇前的飯上。

Altars can be found in many churches around runescape 神壇可以找到許多教堂runescape左右

And he repaired the altar of the lord that was broken down 他便重修已經毀壞耶和華的壇。

I need to leave that at the altar tonight 我今晚要把這東西放在教壇前

- on that altar right now ! - wow , getting a nice preview -滾到圣壇上! -哇,從中可以預料到

Here , there is an altar in almost every household 在這? ,幾乎每一個家庭?都有一座神龕。

A vaulted canopy permanently placed over an altar 祭祀天蓋拱形的天篷,永久放置在祭壇上

We hung out . bill , l ' m not like an altar boy 我們一起出去玩比爾,我可不是什么侍應小子

On that altar right now ! - wow , getting a nice preview 滾到圣壇上! -哇,從中可以預料到

And they leaped upon the altar which was made 他們在所筑的壇四圍踴跳。

They came in and stood beside the bronze altar 他們進來,站在銅祭壇旁。

The altar , as in prehistory , is anywhere you kneel 如同在史前,你膜拜的地方就是祭堂。