
altai n.〔the Altai 〕阿爾泰山。

In 1635 , “ zhushen “ nuchen was changed to manchu and after the revolution of 1911 the revolution led by dr . sun yat - sen which overthrew the qing dynasty , it was changed to manchu nationality . the manchus have their own language and writing , which was originated from altai language family . the manchu language was created on the basis of the mongolian language 滿族是一個有悠久歷史的民族,其先民可追溯到2000多年前的肅慎人,其后裔稱“革末革昌” “挹婁” “勿吉”等,他們一直生活在長白山以北的黑江中下游烏蘇江流域的廣闊地區。

“ altai “ means gold in the uighur language “阿爾泰“在維吾爾語中是金子的意思。


Hong kong , july xx , 2007 - china putian , the china ' s leading telecommunications equipment company and the world ' s leading outdoor wifi solution provider , altai technologies limited today announced a strategic partnership that will allow nanjing putian , the subsidiary of china putian to distribute altai ' s products in china 中國普天,中國領先的電信設備制造商和世界著名的戶外無線解決方案提供商奧泰爾科技有限公司今天宣布形成一項戰略合作伙伴關系,由中國普天所屬的南京普天在中國代理奧泰爾的產品。

With different geographic position and tectonic section , the deep character of crust and lithosphere in the middle tienshan mountain , the northern altai mountain and southwestern kunlun - alkin mountain are very different , which have a common necessary relation as a whole , and also special regional feature 由于地理位置和所處的構造部位的不同,中部天山山脈、北部阿爾泰山脈、西南部昆侖阿爾金山脈在地殼巖石圈深部特征都有很大差異,它們有整體共性的必然聯系,也有區域個性的特殊面貌。

In 1635 , “ zhushen “ nuchen was changed to manchu and after the revolution of 1911 the revolution led by dr . sun yat - sen which overthrew the qing dynasty , it was changed to manchu nationality . the manchus have their own language and writing , which was originated from altai language family . the manchu language was created on the basis of the mongolian language 滿族是一個有悠久歷史的民族,其先民可追溯到2000多年前的肅慎人,其后裔稱“革末革昌” “挹婁” “勿吉”等,他們一直生活在長白山以北的黑江中下游烏蘇江流域的廣闊地區。

Compared with other kinds of ore deposits , zinc - tennantite is a kind of typomorphic mineral in the altai mineralization province and is useful for the exploration of volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits 與其他各類礦床相比,鋅砷黝銅礦是阿舍勒黝銅礦的主要類型,也是阿爾泰成礦帶的主要黝銅礦類型。

The northern nationalities in our country , including the nationalities of altai language family in northeastern and northwestern china , always believed in the original shamanism since ancient times 摘要我國北方各民族,包括東北和西北的阿爾泰語系各民族,自古以來一直信仰原始宗教薩滿教。

The altai mountains in southern siberia form the major mountain range in the western siberia biogeographic region and provide the source of its greatest rivers the ob and the irtysh 位于西伯利亞南部的阿爾泰山是西西伯利亞地理生態區的主要山脈,也是世界上最長的河流之一鄂畢灣的源頭。

The russian plain is bordered on the south by the caucasian mountain range . the rivers ob and yenisei flow into the arctic ocean from the altai and sayan mountains 俄羅斯平原南邊與高加索山脈毗接。鄂畢河和葉尼塞河的源頭分別起源于阿爾泰山和薩彥嶺,流入北冰洋。

The korean language and the altai family of languages in the global linguistic family 韓國語和阿爾泰諸語言

Tectonics and crustal evolution of altai in china and kazakhstan 中國和哈薩克斯坦阿爾泰大地構造及地殼演化

Metallogenic environment and mineral resources in altai synclinorium 阿勒泰復向斜的成礦環境及其礦產

The eagles from altai - evaluation on some kazak poets from altai 阿勒泰籍部分哈薩克詩人評介

Beyond these dunes , we are surrounded by altai mountains 在沙丘后邊我們被阿爾泰山所圍繞

Shamanism and the cultural spirit of the altai forefathers 薩滿教與阿爾泰先民的文化精神

“ altai “ means gold in the uighur language “阿爾泰“在維吾爾語中是金子的意思。

He opted to represent altai territory . 他選擇阿爾泰地區作為自己的代表區。