
alta n.阿爾塔〔女子名〕。


The project is being implemented through a consortium of canadian companies including agriteam canada project manager , canadian livestock services and alta exports international which together will contribute an additional 1 . 2 million to the project 萬加元共同提供資金。此項目由幾個加拿大公司共同實施,包括加拿大農業咨詢有限公司負責項目管理,加拿大家畜服務公司和亞達國際出口公司,共同為項目額外投入

The fortified upper town ( alta vila ) is an outstanding example of renaissance military architecture ; it had a profound influence on the development of fortifications in the spanish settlements of the new world 堅固的高城要塞是文藝復興時期軍事建筑的杰出范例,對于西班牙殖民者在新大陸的防御性建筑發展具有極其深遠的影響。

Aei operates as alta genetics exclusive representative in china and as the beef semen representative in mexico and sources genetic products and livestock for a number of smaller markets 亞達國際出口有限公司作為亞達基因改良有限公司在中國的獨家代表,及墨西哥的肉牛精子業務代表,為很多較小的市場提供基因產品和家畜。

Aei was set up as a separate company under the alta genetics umbrella to market livestock , embryos , genetic technologies and semen in specific export markets 亞達國際出口有限公司是在亞達基因改良有限公司旗下作為一家獨立的公司建立起來的,在特定出口市場上銷售家畜胚胎基因技術和精子。

First installation in canada ( edmonton , alta . ) . invention of small dial and two - wire system eliminating ground at subscriber ' s station 電話系統首次在加拿大(阿爾塔省埃德蒙頓)安裝。發明小型撥號盤和二線系統,并取消用戶端的地線。

It ' s a service provided by alta vista search engine people to translate every page you put ' babel fish ' code , and up comes a a new language 這樣的服務,人們把搜索引擎阿爾塔境界你把每一頁的巴比倫魚'典而到了一個新的語言

The narrow vall de boi is situated in the high pyrenees , in the alta ribagorca region and is surrounded by steep mountains 博伊谷地位于西班牙東北部加泰羅尼亞自治區的比利牛斯山區,周圍被群山環抱。

Goods and services : aei was established january 1 , 2000 by members of the alta genetics international marketing team 產品和服務:亞達國際出口有限公司由亞達基因國際市場營銷組成員在

Analysis of meteorological conditions for over - wintering of opuntia milpa alta cactaceae opuntia l in qingliu county 清流引種食用仙人掌越冬氣象條件分析

Study on the antimicrobial activities of milpa alta extraction for bacterial skin infection 仙人掌提取物對細菌性皮膚致病菌抑制作用的研究

Tissue culture and high frequency propagation of opuntia milpa alta haw 食用仙人掌的離體培養及其快速繁殖

Wong ying chi alta scholarship in medicine 黃英姿醫學獎學金

Wong ying chi alta scholarship in sociology 黃英姿社會學獎學金

Alta genetics inc . altaexports international ltd 亞達國際出口有限公司