
alt n.,adj.【音樂】中高音(的)。 in alt 1....


Alt down arrow expands all links , not just the ones selected Alt +向下鍵展開所有鏈接,而不僅僅是選定的鏈接。

Alt up arrow collapses all links , not just the ones selected Alt +向上鍵折疊所有鏈接,而不僅僅是選定的鏈接。

Press alt down arrow or type the field name that you want to choose 按“ alt +向下鍵”或鍵入要選擇的字段名。

Us : / tell bulgaria : cool , thx . are you someone ' s alt 美國: /告訴保加利亞“太好了,謝謝。你是誰的小號么? ”

So i think alt the reduction of alt is ruled on the drug obligations 當你停止護肝2年后,病毒還是存于體內。

The woman was hospitalised because of persistent ast and alt elevations 這位女性因持續ast和alt升高而入院。

Change and clinical significance of ast alt ratio in various liver diseases 比值在各種肝病中的變化和意義

Press the access key alt the underlined letter for the button 按該按鈕的訪問鍵( alt +帶有下劃線的字母) 。

When you have selected the name of the desired item , release the alt key 選擇所需項的名稱后,松開alt鍵。

Ms . scholl , my name is alt 爍爾小姐,我的名字是阿爾特

This button does not have alt label 此按鈕未加上alt標簽

Determine whether the alt key is down 確定是否按下alt鍵

You can move your cursor into the address bar by pressing alt + d 按alt + d ,可以將光標移到地址欄中。

If the alt key is down ; otherwise 值:如果按下了alt鍵,則為

To navigate to this menu command , press alt to give focus to the 若要定位到此菜單命令,請按alt鍵使

Press the alt key and while moving a control around the form 按alt鍵,同時在窗體上移動一個控件。

To combine a key with alt , precede the key code with 若要將一個鍵與alt組合,請在該鍵代碼之前加上

The alt collate in database configuration has to be updated 數據庫配置中的alt _ collate必須更新。

Gets a value indicating whether the alt key was pressed 獲取一個值,該值指示是否曾按下alt鍵。