
alsace n.阿爾薩斯〔法國一地區〕。

Oh , that s unbearable ! “ indeed , they were laughing round mme chantereau , who had just repeated an assertion she had heard made in alsace , where her husband owned a foundry 尚特羅夫人周圍的人都笑著,因為俾斯麥要打仗之事是她剛才說的,她是在阿爾薩斯聽到的,她的丈夫在那里擁有一座工廠。

Bottling industry . glass bottles . 75 cl light “ fl ? te d ' alsace “ wine bottle 制瓶工業.玻璃瓶. 75cl輕量阿爾薩斯長笛式瓶


The north - east is a region where wider european culture ( and specially german culture ) has merged with the french , giving interesting results . it includes alsace , lorraine , champagne - ardenne and franche - comte 法國的東北部地區融合了大部分歐洲的文化(特別是德國) ,這種文化成為了法國的一部分,形成了有趣的現象。該區域包括:阿爾塞斯山脈,洛林,香檳阿登大區和弗朗什孔泰大區。

Oh , that s unbearable ! “ indeed , they were laughing round mme chantereau , who had just repeated an assertion she had heard made in alsace , where her husband owned a foundry 尚特羅夫人周圍的人都笑著,因為俾斯麥要打仗之事是她剛才說的,她是在阿爾薩斯聽到的,她的丈夫在那里擁有一座工廠。

In the schools of alsace the order to teach only german has come from berlin , the new teacher will arrive tomorrow . this is the last class in french 阿爾薩斯的學校已接到來自柏林的命令,說這地區只能教德文。新老師明天就來了。這是最后一堂用法文授課。

You will not see the death of cleveland and associate wu yao wang , but to join their alliance and tribal common resistance alsace 你們即將見到的死亡騎士不再和巫妖王為伍了,而是加入聯盟和部落,共同抵抗阿爾薩斯。

Cleveland referred to the death , you will think of armor - wearing , carrying a huge sword , at 13 - 11 , as war3 in alsace 提到死亡騎士,你將會想到身著鎧甲,手持巨大符文劍的驍將,就像war3中的阿爾薩斯。

“ from generation to generation , the bott family worked hard to improve the quality of noble wines from alsace “鮑特家族世世代代在努力提高產自阿爾薩斯的優質葡萄酒。 ”

Cellar le pinot is pleased to invite you to attend the tasting party of the wines from bott family from alsace 品諾酒窖榮幸地邀請您前來品嘗阿爾薩斯的鮑特家族葡萄酒。

Orders have come from berlin to teach nothing but german in the schools of alsace and lorraine 柏林來了命令,阿爾薩斯和洛林兩省的學校只準教德語… …新的老師明天就到。

1871 the french army was defeated in the franco - prussian war and forced to cede alsace to prussia 法軍在法普戰爭中被打敗,被迫把阿爾薩斯割讓給普魯士。

Peace was signed at frankfort surrendering the provinces of alsace and lorraine to the germans 和平協議在法蘭克福簽署,阿爾薩斯和洛林拱手讓給德國。

Riesling gives dry , neat , graceful and well - balanced wine , and is known to be the finest alsace wine 最好的阿爾薩斯產區的葡萄酒,色香味平衡。

Sylvaner is originally coming from austria and was introduced in alsace only 2 centuries ago 西爾凡娜葡萄來自于奧地利, 200年前來到阿爾薩斯。

As a result of the1914 - 1918 war , france won back alsace and lorraine 1 9 1 4年至1 9 1 8年發生的戰爭的結果是法國奪回了阿爾薩斯省和洛林省。

Gewurztraminer , full - bodied and well - structured , is probably the best - known alsace wine 完整酒體,結構緊湊,可能是阿爾薩斯最出名的葡萄酒。

As a result of the1914 - 1918 war , france won back alsace and lorraine 1914年至1918年發生的戰爭的結果是法國奪回了阿爾薩斯省和洛林省。

Cool to cold winters and hot summer along the german border ( alsace ) 在德法邊界處(阿爾薩斯省) ,那里冬天氣候涼爽寒冷,夏天炎熱。

Bottling industry . glass bottles . 75 cl light “ fl ? te d ' alsace “ wine bottle 制瓶工業.玻璃瓶. 75cl輕量阿爾薩斯長笛式瓶