
already adv.1.〔表示現在或過去某時發生的事實〕已經,早已。...


Come on , shake a leg , we are late already . 好啦,快點兒吧,我們已經晚啦。

He already has three demerits on his record . 他已記過三次。

I have already remembered five nouns . 我已經記住五個名詞了。

Nello had already seized and flourished his comb . 內洛已經拿起梳子在揮舞。

He has already hooked up everything for us . 他已經替我們把一切接洽妥當了。

He already has three demerits on his record . 他已被記過三次。

Just in time, the values are rising already . 買的正是時候,房價已經漲了。

Three o'clock, and the dark is already setting in . 三點了,冥色開始降落。

I've already undertaken several moves . 我已經采取了幾項措施。

You already have a natural beauty and modesty . 你已有了天然的美貌和端莊。

You have n't already done your washing , have you ? 你的衣服還沒有洗完嗎?

They have already passed two years with the colours . 他們已服兵役兩年了。

The sun had already climbed to its zenith . 太陽已經升到當空。

What about those already infected ? 那些已經患病的人又怎么辦?

We were already behaving like prisoners . 我們已經同囚犯一樣地循規蹈矩了。

The successor to headmaster has already been chosen . 校長的后任已經選定。

The wind has already subsided in the morning . 大風早晨就停了。

This is something we presumably already knew . 這一點我們大概已經知道了。

He was already out nearly three thousand dollars . 他已經輸了將近三千元。