
alpinist n.〔常 A-〕登山運動員,登山家。

1993 90 alpinists in the autumn alone , the commercial “ everest - climbing “ starts 1993 90登山運動員在秋天開始單獨登上。 “登珠穆朗瑪峰“的商業活動開始了。


During the 20 years since then , well - known mt . gongga , mt . siguniang , mt . genie , mt . queer , mt . haizi and mt . xuebaoding attract many alpinists and mountaineering enthusiasts coming from various parts of world . according received more than 150 foreign climbing groups from more than 10 countries andregions , including : janpan , germany , canada , russia , and hong - kong , all these activities help the foreigners increase their known 在這23年里,四川省共組織接待了來自日本美國韓國英國德國瑞士法國意大利等國的登山探險團隊共150余支,增進了友誼,拓展了交流,提高了我省的知名度。

Long an attraction to outstanding world alpinists , the mountain has been open to foreign mountaineers on the chinese side since 1980 . chinese mountaineers have twice scaled its summit from the northern slope : on may 25 , 1960 and may 27 , 1975 當人們到珠峰之巔的時候可看到這世界屋脊是一條西北東南走向地帶,寬不過1米,長10多米,天氣晴朗時,視野可達360公里以內的范圍。

A 1975 survey by chinese alpinists put its precise height as 8 , 848 meters ( 29028 feet ) ( controversial ) . shaped like a pyramid , the snow - covered peak is crisscrossed by several huge glaciers the longest 26 kilometers 從這里登山,到達5400米高處,已是一片白雪皚皚的銀色世界,一條條巨大的冰川覆蓋著山坡在中絨冰川中,有一處罕見的冰塔群。

A 1975 survey by chinese alpinists put its precise height as 8 , 848 meters 29028 feet controversial . shaped like a pyramid , the snow - covered peak is crisscrossed by several huge glaciers the longest 26 kilometers 從這里登山,到達5400米高處,已是一片白雪皚皚的銀色世界,一條條巨大的冰川覆蓋著山坡在中絨冰川中,有一處罕見的冰塔群。

Modern alpinists try to climb mountains by a route which will give them good sport , and the more difficult it is , the more highly it is regarded 現代登山運動員力圖沿著一條能從中得到鍛煉樂趣的路線登山。他們認為路線愈艱難則愈為人們所重視。

1996 15 alpinists perished on the top of the mountain . one of the biggest sacrifice in the history of everest ascent 1996年? ?包括著名登山家羅布?哈爾在內的15名登山者在登頂過程中犧牲,是歷史上攀登珠穆朗瑪峰犧牲人數最多的一年。

2000 a famous nepalese alpinist climbs the mountain within 16 hours and 56 minutes . the world ' s fastest ascent 2000年? ?尼泊爾著名登山家巴布?奇里從大本營出發由北坡攀登,耗時16小時56分登頂成功,創造了登頂的最快紀錄。

1993 90 alpinists in the autumn alone , the commercial “ everest - climbing “ starts 1993 90登山運動員在秋天開始單獨登上。 “登珠穆朗瑪峰“的商業活動開始了。

That has never been explored by any alpinists or alpine tourists . highway ditance one way chengdu - xinluhai : 914km 由成都至新路海公路單程914公里。

Modern alpinists try to climb mountains by a route which will give them good sport 現代登山運動員力圖從那些能給他們帶來大量運動的路線登山。

The man ' s been pretty much everywhere . he is a real pro alpinist 他到過無數地方,是個真正的登山者

Modern alpinists try to climb mountains by a route that will give them good sport . 現代登山運動員力圖沿著那些能帶來大運動量的路線來攀登山峰。