
alpine adj.1.高山(性)的。2.〔A-〕阿爾卑斯山的;阿爾...

alpine club

Mining practice in alpine region 高寒地區采礦實踐

Assembly , adjustment and inspection of an alpine ski - binding - boot system 高山滑雪皮靴固定裝置組裝調節和檢驗

Iso 5355 - 2005 alpine ski - boots - requirements and test methods iso 5355 : 2005 高山滑雪靴.安全性要求和試驗方法

Observation and modeling for terrestrial processes in alpine meadow 高寒草甸地區陸面過程觀測及耦合模式研究

Alpine skis . determination of fatigue indexes . cyclic loading test 高山滑雪板.疲勞指數測定.周期性載荷試驗

Alpine skis - binding mounting area - requirements for test screws 高山雪橇.緊固繃帶安裝部位.試驗螺釘要求

Alpine skis ; determination of fatigue indexes ; cyclic loading test 高山雪撬.疲勞指數的測定.周期性載荷試驗

Alpine skiing tricks introduction 高山花樣滑雪游戲攻略

Alpine skis . binding mounting area . requirements for test screws 高山滑雪板.固定安裝部位.試驗螺釘的要求

Alpine skiing brachistochrone games 高山速降滑雪小游戲

Brief on the usage of artificial pasture on the qinghai alpine plateau 淺談青海省高寒牧區人工草地的利用

Alpine skis - guidelines for conducting slope performance tests iso 8783 : 1999 高山滑雪.斜坡性能試驗指南

Ski runs - alpine ski runs : makers , signposts and information 滑雪比賽.高山滑雪比賽:指示標路標和信息

Old world alpine poppy with white or yellow to orange flowers 東半球一種山罌粟,開白或黃到橙黃色花。

Hamers ( haibei alpine meadow ecosystem research station , cas ) 中國科學院海北高寒草甸生態系統實驗站

Ski - poles for alpine skiing . safety requirements and test methods 高山滑雪滑雪杖.安全要求和試驗方法

Alpine skis . determination of deformation load and breaking load 高山滑雪板.變形負載和斷裂負載測定

Ski - poles for alpine skiing - requirements and test methods iso 7331 : 2005 高山滑雪桿.要求和試驗方法

Terminology for geometry of alpine skis 高山滑雪板的幾何術語