
alphanumeric adj.字母數字式的。


Information technology . keyboard layouts for text and office systems . part 2 : alphanumeric section 信息技術.文本和辦公系統用鍵盤設計.第2部分:字母數字部分

The strings are compared by alphanumeric sort values beginning with the first character 字符串的比較方式為,從第一個字符開始,按字母數字排序值進行比較。

Information technology - keyboard layouts for text and office systems - part 2 : alphanumeric section 信息技術.文本和辦公系統鍵盤布局.第2部分:字母數字區

It works by attempting every alphanumeric combination possible to try to crack passwords 它的工作方式是通過嘗試每個可能的字母數字組合試圖破解密碼。

Information technology - keyboard layouts for text and office system - part 2 : alphanumeric section 信息技術文本和辦公系統鍵盤布局第2部分:字母數字區

Micrographics - alphanumeric computer output microforms - quality control - part 2 : method 縮微攝影技術字母數字計算機輸出縮微品質量控制第二部分:方法

Random password generator of variable length in numeric , hex or alphanumeric format 可變長度在的隨機的口令生成器數字,十六進制或數字字母的格式。

Messages must be no longer than 160 alphanumeric characters and contain no images or graphics 消息不得超過160個字母數字字符且不包含圖像或圖形。

Office machines - basic arrangement for the alphanumeric section of keyboards operated with both hands 辦公機器雙手操作鍵盤字母數字區的基本布局

The product keycode is an alphanumeric string that has a length of 19 digits or characters 產品密鑰是字母數字的字符串,長度為19位數字或字符。

Office machines ; line spacings and character spacings for numeric and alphanumeric office machines 辦公設備.數字和字母數字混合機的行距和字距

Contain at least one special non - alphanumeric character . the password requirements contained in the 至少包含一個特殊字符(非字母數字字符) 。

Can be defined as a table with a mapping of alphanumeric code and its binary representation 可以定義為字母數字代碼及其二進制表示的映射表。

Provides an example that strips invalid non - alphanumeric characters from a string 提供一個示例,該示例從字符串中去除無效的非字母數字字符。

The expression is clearly an alphanumeric mask intended to prevent special characters 該表達式顯然是一個字母數字掩碼,旨在防止特殊字符。

Names can also include blank or non - alphanumeric character strings , and binary values 名稱還可以包括空格或非字母數字字符串以及二進制值。

You ll notice that the contents consist of alphanumeric characters encoded in base64 您將看到由混合字符構成的內容已經經過了base64編碼。

Single quotes are not required for simple alphanumeric strings or boolean values 對于簡單的字母數字字符串或布爾值,不需要使用單引號。

Micrographics - alphanumeric computer output microforms - quality control - method 縮微攝影技術.字母數字計算機輸出縮微品.質量控制.方法