
alphabetic adj.ABC 的,字母的;照字母表次序的。 in al...


This edit control accepts only specified sets of characters as user input : numeric , alphabetic , or noncontrol characters 此編輯控件只接受指定的字符集(數字、字母或非控制字符)作為用戶輸入。

A typical use of a bracket expression is to specify matches of any upper - or lowercase alphabetic characters or any digits 中括號表達式的典型用途是指定任何大寫或小寫字母或任何數字的匹配。

For example , a sort key might contain a string of alphabetic weights , followed by a string of case weights , and so on 例如,排序關鍵字可以包含字母權重字符串,后跟大小寫權重字符串等。

However , unicode does include text direction , rules for character combination , and alphabetic ordering 不過, unicode的確包括用于字符組合和字母排序的文字方向( text direction )和規則。

In such a case you do not want to bias comparisons with alphabetic equivalences such as case insensitivity 在這種情況下,不希望使用字母的等價形式(例如不區分大小寫)進行傾向性比較。

This includes all uppercase and lowercase alphabetic characters , all digits , all punctuation marks , and some symbols 這包括所有大寫和小寫字母、所有數字、所有標點符號和一些其他符號。

The password is a strong password that contains various non - alphabetic characters and is at least eight characters long (該密碼是強密碼,包含各種非字母字符,且至少為八個字符長。

Indicates whether the character at the specified position in a specified string is categorized as an alphabetic character 指示指定字符串中位于指定位置處的字符是否屬于字母類別。

The effects of frequency and productivity on character learning by elementary l2 learners from alphabetic language backgrounds 漢字頻率和構詞數對非漢字圈學生漢字學習的影響

Sort rules determine the alphabetic order of unicode characters and how two strings compare to each other 排序規則確定unicode字符的字母順序,以及兩個字符串如何互相比較。

Human factors - assignment of alphabetic letters to digits on standard telephone keypad arrays ; english version ets 300640 : 1996 人機工程.標準電話機鍵盤數字與字母排列方式

Indicates whether the specified unicode character is categorized as an alphabetic letter or a decimal digit 指示指定的unicode字符是屬于字母類別還是屬于十進制數字類別。

A simple application how generates 3 types of passwords . alphabetic , numeric mix and special 一種簡單的應用怎么引起密碼的3種類型。按字母順序,數字混合和專輯。

It must contain at least one alphabetic character or decimal digit if it begins with an underscore 如果名稱以下劃線開頭,則必須包含至少一個字母或十進制數字。

The following is an alphabetic list of controls and components that can be used on windows forms 下面按照字母順序列出了可在windows窗體上使用的控件和組件。

Indicates whether a unicode character is categorized as an alphabetic letter or a decimal digit 指示某個unicode字符是屬于字母類別還是屬于十進制數字類別。

Special processing for input characters ; for example , to convert alphabetic characters to uppercase 輸入字符的特殊處理;例如,將字母字符轉換為大寫字母。

Human factors - assignment of alphabetic letters to digits on standard telephone keypad arrays 人類工效學.對標準電話機按鍵上的數字按字母方式排列

Alphabetic alphabetically sorts all design - time properties and events for selected objects 按字母順序對選定對象的所有設計時屬性和事件排序。