
alphabet n.1.字母表。2.初步。短語和例子a phonetic...

He could belch the alphabet to the letter “ m . 他能打嗝將字母表嗝到m

“ he pointed to each letter of the alphabet 她一個一個字母的指著找。

But in the latin alphabet , jehovah begins with an “ l . 但在拉丁字母中,耶和華以“ i ”開頭


Y 0ur alphabets , y0ur w0rld are different michelle 你的字母表,你的單詞是與眾不同的,蜜雪兒

Z is the final letter in the alphabet Z是字母表中最后的一個字母。

Okay . if i could rearrange the alphabet , 好吧,如果我可以重排字母表

Which four letters of the alphabet would scare a burglar away 那四個英文字母,會將盜賊嚇走

Latin alphabet no . 4 baltic states 拉丁字母4 (波羅的海沿岸各國字符)

Kim : my favorite ! and i want some alphabet soup , too 金咪:我最喜歡的!我也要一些字母湯!

He could belch the alphabet to the letter “ m . 他能打嗝將字母表嗝到m

“ he pointed to each letter of the alphabet 她一個一個字母的指著找。

You know how many letters there are in the alphabet 樹上七只猴砰,一槍打死一只還剩幾只?

Please arrange the books according to the english alphabet 請按照英文字母順序將書排列好。

Chanting the alphabet of the ark activates the tuning forks 圣經字母表的吟唱激活了音叉。

If the number ends with a , please skip the alphabet 號碼末端如為a字,則無需輸入該字母。

The tenth letter of the hebrew alphabet 希伯來語字母表中的第十個字母

Yeah , a to y . you know , the alphabet 對,從a到y你知道,字母順序排列

Also , he could read the latin alphabet correctly 除此,他還知道有時候大麻用來減輕疼痛。

There are 26 letters in the english alphabet 英語字母表中有26個字母。