
alpha n.1.阿爾法〔希臘語字母表首字母α,相當于英語的 a〕...

alpha decay

Calibration and usage of alpha beta proportional counters A射線正比計數器的校準和使用

Anti - aliased text and alpha blended pixmaps 抗鋸文本和混合視頻的象素映射

Also , next week is going to be alpha girls group 還有,下周是阿爾法女孩小組的活動周。

Values is painted correctly , set this property to true 值的alpha通道,請將該屬性設置為

How to : use compositing mode to control alpha blending 如何:使用復合模式控制alpha混合

Gets all alpha - test comparison capabilities 獲取所有alpha測試比較功能。

Explains how to alpha - blend with brushes 解釋如何使用畫筆進行alpha混合。

The color and alpha channels are modulated by this value 顏色和alpha通道由此值調節。

The researches are concerned with alpha rays 這些研究是關于阿爾法射線的。

Image denoising using alpha stable distribution in wavelet domain 穩定分布的圖像去噪

In physics , this principle is alpha and omega 這條原理在物理學中極為重要。

The pixel format contains premultiplied alpha values 像素格式包含自左乘的alpha值。

Analytical method for radionuclides by alpha spectrometry 放射性核素的能譜分析方法

Stage : the project is still in very alpha stage 進度:此項目仍處于非常初期的階段。

Structure , but with the new specified alpha value 結構,但要使用新指定的alpha值。

If per - pixel alpha blending is enabled ; otherwise , 如果啟用了每像素alpha混合,則為

T = alpha temperature ; heat distortion temperature 阿爾法溫度;熱畸變溫度。

Yes , that was the story from alpha to zeta , 是的,這是故事,從阿爾法到澤塔,

Replicate the alpha value to the color components 將alpha值復制到顏色分量。