
alpaca n.1.【動物;動物學】(南美)羊駝。2.羊駝毛;羊駝呢...

And there are plenty of alternative meanings for suri . it ' s also a nubian tribe , the word for “ rose “ in persian , “ sun “ in sanskrit and a term for a form of alpaca ' s wool 還是努比亞一個部落的名稱,在波斯語中代表“玫瑰” ,在梵語中指代“太陽” ,此外,有一種“秘魯羊駝毛”也可以用這個詞表示。

It ' s also a nubian tribe , the word for “ rose “ in persian , “ sun “ in sanskrit and a term for a form of alpaca ' s wool . an ardent or fanatical adherent of a religion 還是努比亞一個部落的名稱,在波斯語中代表“玫瑰” ,在梵語中指代“太陽” ,此外,有一種“秘魯羊駝毛”也可以用這個詞表示。


Basic finance theory says that investors can get the best balance of risk and reward by owning pieces of as many of the world ' s asset classes as they can , from stocks to gold , alpacas to saffron . for years , the s and p 500 - stock index of the biggest u . s . companies was the best approximation of that ideal available to investors and they flocked to it . but in the past decade , the world ' s financial markets have changed in unexpected ways 對于這些大公司的藍籌股一直勢態低迷的情況,文章從歷史分析入手,通過90年代后期藍籌股的異常牛市來解釋當期一蹶不振的原因:一方面是隨著20世紀末市場化全球化的進程,經濟發展的大爆發,藍籌股指數達到一個過高的頂點,之后很難再超過另一方面是經濟過熱之后的適當緊縮,以及911等事件對美國經濟的打擊,藍籌相對于小企業股票的應變性差的問題。

And there are plenty of alternative meanings for suri . it ' s also a nubian tribe , the word for “ rose “ in persian , “ sun “ in sanskrit and a term for a form of alpaca ' s wool 還是努比亞一個部落的名稱,在波斯語中代表“玫瑰” ,在梵語中指代“太陽” ,此外,有一種“秘魯羊駝毛”也可以用這個詞表示。

It ' s also a nubian tribe , the word for “ rose “ in persian , “ sun “ in sanskrit and a term for a form of alpaca ' s wool . an ardent or fanatical adherent of a religion 還是努比亞一個部落的名稱,在波斯語中代表“玫瑰” ,在梵語中指代“太陽” ,此外,有一種“秘魯羊駝毛”也可以用這個詞表示。

B , wool blended yarns wool acrylic , wool polyester , wool nylon ; wool rabbit hair , wool silk , wool cashmere , wool alpaca ; wool tencel , wool viscose , etc B羊毛混紡紗線:羊毛腈綸,羊毛滌綸,羊毛錦綸尼羊毛粘膠,羊毛天絲羊毛山羊絨,羊毛羊駝毛,羊毛兔毛,羊毛蠶絲,等等。

The foreman turned round to hear patiently and , lifting an elbow , began to scratch slowly in the armpit of his alpaca jacket 工長掉過身來,好耐著性子去傾聽。他舉起一只胳膊肘,開始慢慢地撓他身上那件羊駝呢夾克的腋窩底下。

The plains abound in llamas and alpacas , whose wool the women knit into colorful clothing to sell in the 此平原盛產駱馬及羊駝,婦女們編織其毛制作鮮艷的服飾,帶至旁諾及朱利亞卡的市場販賣。

An imitated chemical fiber alpaca yarn was developed to keep up with vogue and meet practicality 摘要從產品的時尚及實用需求出發,開發生產了化學纖維仿羊駝毛織物用紗。

Producing woolen cashmere over coat cloth , rabbit hair cloth , alpaca cloth and other kinds of woolen etc 專業生產粗紡羊絨、兔絨、駝絨、牛絨、綿羊絨及各類粗紡面料。

These are alpacas , i have never seen one before , their fur could be sheared for knitting wool 我從未見過這動物, ?們叫羊駝,只知到?們的毛像羊毛般可以用來打毛線的。

Producing woolen cashmere over coat cloth , rabbit hair cloth , alpaca cloth and other kinds of woolen etc 專業生產粗紡羊絨兔絨駝絨牛絨綿羊絨及各類粗紡面料。

He s currently trying to buy a farm so he and his wife can raise alpacas and chickens 目前,他正準備購買一座農場,打算和妻子飼養羊駝和小雞。

Introduction of alpaca wool 羊駝毛簡介

The old alpaca sweater 還有那件舊駝毛衫

Standard specification for fineness of types of alpaca 各類阿爾帕卡毛細度的標準規范

Alpaca fiber and the development of its production 雙彈可機洗精紡面料的開發