
alp n.1.高山,高峰。2.(阿爾卑斯)山地牧場。短語和例子...

“ is it possible to cross the alps ? “ said napoleon “可能翻過阿爾卑斯山脈嗎? ”


But the sickest runs this side of the alps are right outside that window 阿爾卑斯山這邊最瘋狂的那些滑雪者就在我窗戶外面

At first , it looked as if otzi had frozen to death in a snowstorm in the alps 初看起來奧茲似乎凍死于阿爾卑斯山的雪暴。

- i almost died in a blizzard once . - i lived up in the alps for a year -我有一次差點死在風雪中-我在阿爾卑斯山住了一年

I almost died in a blizzard once . - i lived up in the alps for a year 我有一次差點死在風雪中-我在阿爾卑斯山住了一年

A study of the bryophyte communities of karst cave twilight zones in rhone - alps , france 巖溶洞穴弱光帶苔蘚植物群落研究

Effects of daidzein on the alp activity of cultured osteoblasts in vitro 大豆甙元對大鼠成骨細胞堿性磷酸酶活性的影響

The first is the appenszell cheese factory , located in an area at the alps 一間是在亞爾卑斯山區的亞本塞爾制酪廠。

Skiing in the french alps 在法國亞爾卑斯山滑雪

I shall never forget seeing the swiss alps for the first time 我將永不會忘記第一次看到瑞士阿爾卑斯山時的情景。

Smoothed the edges of the map , redid the alps and all rivers 地圖的邊緣進行了圓滑處理,重做了所有的高山和河流

The entrance to the cave is on a plateau in the dauphine alps 此洞穴的入口在多芬?阿爾卑斯山的一個高原上。

Now i could show you the map of small part of the alps 現在我可以向大家展示下一小部分阿爾卑斯山脈的地圖。

On the far side of the alps 在阿爾卑斯山遙遠的另一邊

Standing on this tower , people can see the charming alps 站在這個?望臺上,可以觀賞到迷人的阿爾卑斯山脈。

Saint s alp international co . ltd 仙跡巖國際有限公司

Saint honore cake shop saint s alp teahouse 圣安娜餅店

You said , you would wait for me at the alps side 君云君將于阿爾卑斯山畔待妾,滑雪于雪花飛舞之天空下。

Alps advanced linear programming system 高級線性規劃系統