
alow adv.向下,在下;在船內。 alow and alof...

Our county now has aloe plant surface area more than 300mu . relying on aloe resource , it builds up the biggest alow drinking product company in china . the aloe drinking series “ weizhiyuan “ which produced b the advanced techniques of this company has passed haccp and becomes the special drinking of national diving team of china . company plans to invite investment $ 1 . 5 million for introducing produce facilities 我縣現有蘆薈種植面積300多畝,依托蘆薈資源,建立起國內最大的蘆薈飲品生產企業,公司采用先進的生產工藝生產的“味之園”蘆薈系列飲品通過haccp食品安全管理體系認證,并被中國國家跳水隊指定為專用產品,公司擬引資150萬美元,主要用于引進生產設備,進一步擴大生產規模。


Our county now has aloe plant surface area more than 300mu . relying on aloe resource , it builds up the biggest alow drinking product company in china . the aloe drinking series “ weizhiyuan “ which produced b the advanced techniques of this company has passed haccp and becomes the special drinking of national diving team of china . company plans to invite investment $ 1 . 5 million for introducing produce facilities 我縣現有蘆薈種植面積300多畝,依托蘆薈資源,建立起國內最大的蘆薈飲品生產企業,公司采用先進的生產工藝生產的“味之園”蘆薈系列飲品通過haccp食品安全管理體系認證,并被中國國家跳水隊指定為專用產品,公司擬引資150萬美元,主要用于引進生產設備,進一步擴大生產規模。

Mr trelawney , being a very open - handed gentleman , as we all know , has just asked me a word or two , and as i was able to tell him that every man on board had done his duty , alow and aloft , as i never ask to see it done better , why , he and i and the doctor are going below to the cabin to drink your health and luck , and you ll have grog served out for you to drink our health and luck 特里羅尼先生,這位眾所周知的非常慷慨的紳士,剛剛問了我一兩句話,而我告訴他,船上的每一個人,從上到下,都盡到了他的職責,比我要求的做得還要好,因此,他和我,以及醫生,準備到下面的特艙去,為你們的健康和好運干杯,同時也為你們備了些水酒,來為我們的健康和好運干杯。

The new system consists of a single - chip computer system ( at89c51 + psd311 ) and alow power consumed analyzer by applying a new adc chip ads774 , and a dead - time correcting circuit is designed to correct the collecting time 本系統由單片微機系統( at89c51 + psd311 )組成多道緩存,由低功耗模數轉換器組成分析器,與微型計算機通過打印并行接口實現數據通訊,并含有死時間校正電路。

All was drawing alow and aloft everyone was in the bravest spirits , because we were now so near an end of the first part of our adventure 所有的帆都鼓滿了風每個人都精神飽滿,因為我們現在離探險第一階段的末尾是那樣地近了。

He is to report to alow - security federal prison in the u . s . state of minnesota to begin serving the sentence handed down in october 斯基林將前往明尼蘇達州一家低戒備級別的聯邦監獄服刑。對他的判決是10月份公布的。