
aloud adv.高聲,響亮。 shout aloud 大叫。 I...

“ i will come directly , “ cried valentine aloud “我馬上就來。 ”瓦朗蒂娜高聲說話。

He demanded aloud . “ this is no place for me 他大聲地問, “這不是我的世界。

“ she ' s a brave girl , “ feliks said aloud “她是個勇敢的姑娘, ”費利克斯高聲說道。

“and then we, who don't know the meaning of the word exhaustion, call them “idle scamps“,“ he said aloud . “而我們這些不懂得耗盡體力這個字的意義的人,卻把他們叫成‘懶惰的無賴,’”他大聲地說。

“he's got something,“ the old man said aloud . “他準是捉到什么東西了,”老頭兒提高嗓子說。

“she's a brave girl,“ feliks said aloud . “她是個勇敢的姑娘,”費利克斯高聲說道。

“poor child,“ he said aloud . “可憐的孩子,”他叨念出聲來。

“i will stab him,“ she said aloud . “我要捅死他,”她大聲地說。


“ i will come directly , “ cried valentine aloud “我馬上就來。 ”瓦朗蒂娜高聲說話。

We ' re going to read them aloud to the class right up here 我們要一篇一篇讀給大家聽

They heard him reading something aloud in the next room 他們聽見他在隔壁房間朗讀。

The boss speaks aloud as if he is angry 老板說話聲音很高,好像真的生氣了。

Jeff : er . . . you want me to read it aloud 杰夫:嗯… …你想要我大聲朗讀它?

You should practise reading english aloud every morning 你應每天早晨練習朗讀英語。

Teacher told us not to speak aloud in the class 老師告訴我們不要在教室里大聲喧嘩。

He demanded aloud . “ this is no place for me 他大聲地問, “這不是我的世界。

I could hardly help laughing aloud sometimes 有幾次我幾乎忍不住要笑出聲來。

Mary had scarcely heard the news when she wept aloud 瑪麗一聽見這消息就放聲大哭。

“ she ' s a brave girl , “ feliks said aloud “她是個勇敢的姑娘, ”費利克斯高聲說道。