
alopecia n.脫發(癥)。

These experiences are “ starkly different , “ dr . tay and colleagues note , from a recent study combining cisplatin with gemcitabine , where grade 3 nausea / omiting occurred in 25 . 6 % and alopecia in 9 . 5 % of patients Tay博士和他的同事解釋說,這些試驗是“完全與眾不同的, ”最近的一項研究表明,順鉑和2 , 2 -二氟脫氧胞嘧啶核苷聯合用藥,病人出現3級不良反應惡心/嘔吐的發生率為25 . 6和脫發的發生率為9 . 5 。

“ but eventually she went to see her doctor and he told her she is suffering from alopecia “但最后她還是去看了醫生,醫生說她患的是禿頭癥” 。


But emu oil is also the best product to soften beard stubble and prevent razor burn , calm bikini rash , prevent hangnails , brighten complexion , moisturize skin , add luster and vitality to hair , repair split ends , massage away sore muscles , soften hands , and it also helps improve ichthyosis , alopecia areata hair loss , epithelialized wounds , pain , swelling , stiffness , bruising , tendonitis , carpal tunnel , athletes foot , diaper rash , and pet skin problems 但鴯油并且是最佳的產品軟化胡子發茬并且防止剃刀燒傷,鎮定比基尼泳裝疹,防止hangnails ,照亮臉色,潤濕皮膚,增加色澤和生命力來頭發,修理頭發分叉,按摩去疼痛肌肉,軟化手,和它幫助改進鱗癬,脫發癥areata掉頭發,并且epithelialized創傷痛苦膨脹,僵硬,挫傷, tendonitis腕骨隧道足癬尿布疹,和寵物皮膚問題。

Not only do these products not produce side effects , they can lessen common side effects caused by chemotherapy and radiotherapy , such as nausea , alopecia , bleeding , edema and deterioration of immune system , resulting in better quality of life for the patients 產品并無副作用,且可減少因接受化療、放射療法及藥物治療等所產生之不良副作用,如惡心、脫發、容易流血、腫脹,甚至免疫系統衰退等,有效提升病人生活質素。

These experiences are “ starkly different , “ dr . tay and colleagues note , from a recent study combining cisplatin with gemcitabine , where grade 3 nausea / omiting occurred in 25 . 6 % and alopecia in 9 . 5 % of patients Tay博士和他的同事解釋說,這些試驗是“完全與眾不同的, ”最近的一項研究表明,順鉑和2 , 2 -二氟脫氧胞嘧啶核苷聯合用藥,病人出現3級不良反應惡心/嘔吐的發生率為25 . 6和脫發的發生率為9 . 5 。

The clinical manifestations include neurological symptoms ( headache and meningismus ) , dermatological symptoms ( alopecia , vitiligo , and poliocytosis ) , ophthalmological symptoms ( vision loss ) , and inner ear symptoms ( vertigo , tinnitus , and hearing loss ) 自1994年4月至1998年3月,計四年間,經本院眼科診斷為原田氏病者共43名;其中19名( 44 % )伴有內耳癥狀,包括重聽、耳鳴、或眩暈。

The trace element li that contained in lukang ? gel , used in cosmetics can make skin tendered and white , used in shampoo can protect hair , prevent and treat alopecia , used in toothpaste can health gum and clean tooth 綠康凝膠中所含的微量元素? ?鋰,用于化妝品可使皮膚變嫩變白;用于洗發香波具有護發和防止、治療脫發的作用;用于牙膏可健齦潔齒。

They also differ from combined paclitaxel and carboplatin , where grade 4 alopecia and flushes are uniersally seen and peripheral neurotoxicity , particularly sensory neuropathy , in roughly one third of subjects 4級不良反應脫發和面部潮紅一般普遍多見,外周神經毒性,特別是感覺神經病變發生率大致為三分之一,這些也與聯合使用紫杉醇和卡鉑不同。

Hair loss , baldness or alopecia results when hair loss occurs at an abnormally high rate , while hair replacement occurs at an abnormally slow rate , or while normal hairs are replaced by thinner and shorter ones 如出現異常過量地脫發、新生頭發的生長速度異常緩慢,或正常頭發被較稀疏或較短的頭發取代,便會形成脫發或禿頭的現象。

In such circumstances , coronal incision may solve the fracture problem but it may lead to other aesthetic complications such as long and ugly scars and alopecia over the incision site 但以冠狀切割方式解決這類骨折問題,除了失血量多外,在外觀方面,會在頭皮上遺留下很長一道疤痕,而且可能造成該部份的頭皮長不出毛發的問題。

Herein is reported a case of reversible alopecia universalis , with complete hair loss extending to the whole body , secondary to peg - ifn [ alpha ] - 2b and ribavirin combination therapy for chronic hcv infection 本文是報告一例可逆性普脫,在聚乙二醇干擾素與利巴韋林聯合治療慢性丙型肝炎病毒感染過程中,患者全身毛發完全脫落。

Tv presenter gail porter caused a stir at a fashion event by sporting a new mohican - type haircut . she decided to adopt the new radical style after reportedly being diagnosed with the hair loss condition alopecia 據每日郵報日前報道,波特爾在最近舉行的倫敦時尚秀上以新發型亮相,為她新的電視秀造勢宣傳。

There are several treatment options for alopecia areata , including corticosteroid cream or injection , topical minoxidil or anthralin , phototherapy and cosmetic therapy such as hairpieces 斑禿的治療方法有多種,包括外用或局部注射類固醇、外用藥物如minoxidil或anthralin 、紫外光治療、及美容治療如植發等。

Therefore , the author shares five cases ' explanation including cervical vertebra disease , headache , carbon monoxide poisoned sequela , alopecia areata , backache with readers 選取臨證治療中頸椎病、頭痛、煤氣中毒、斑禿、腰痛五則驗案,對于病因病機、治法特點加以剖析,以饗讀者。

Nausea , omiting , and skin rashes were mild and infrequent and peripheral neuropathy was not seen . who grade 1 alopecia was seen in all women 惡心,嘔吐,和皮疹等輕微的不良反應罕見,未見外周神經病變。世界衛生組織劃分的1級不良反應脫發,在所有女性中均見。

When follicular mucinosis occurs in lesions of mycosis fungoides , affected areas on the scalp or beard may present with sharply circumscribed plaques of alopecia 蕈樣肉芽腫皮損引起的濾泡狀粘蛋白沉積癥,累及頭皮和須部,為境界清楚的脫發區。

These include plaque psoriasis , a condition where scaly patches form on the skin , and alopecia areata , an autoimmune disorder that causes hair loss 這其中包括銀屑病,一種皮膚上有鱗狀斑的皮膚病,和斑禿,一種引起脫發的自身免疫性疾病。

Pss is polypeptide derivated from hormone , which could improve cell division and hair regeneration . so , is a new drug for alopecia 培生素是激素衍生化的一種多肽,可以促進毛囊細胞的分裂和毛發再生,是治療脫發的有效新藥。

We here report a case of scc of the scalp arising from a patch of scarring alopecia secondary to chronic discoid lupus erythematosus ( dle ) 我們在此報告一個在頭頂慢性盤狀紅斑性狼瘡結疤性禿發部位長出鱗狀細胞癌的病例。