
aloof adv.1.離開,避開,隔開。2.【航海】向上風方向。短...

People have often regarded banks and bankers as “ cold “ , “ aloof “ 人們常常認為銀行和銀行家是“冷酷” “高傲”者。

I “ m aloof but thoughtful 我可以表現的禮貌而體貼

“mrs. mueller?“ he asked, smiling down at her with kind, aloof blue eyes . “繆勒夫人嗎?”他問,溫和、超然的藍眼睛微笑地朝下看著她。


Connie and he were attached to one another , in the aloof modern way 康妮和他互相依戀,但和近代夫妻一樣,各自守著相當的距離。

The child is constantly aloof orr unaware of what the adult is doing 孩子一直出于超然度外的樣子,毫不關心大人在作什么。

Br > the great walks with the small without fear . < br > the middling keeps aloof 大的不怕與小的同游。 < br >居中的卻遠而避之。

Take your time , be aloof and most of all offer friendship first and foremost 從容不迫,冷淡一點,首先從建立友誼開始。

He stood aloof from the crowd 他遠離人群

People have often regarded banks and bankers as “ cold “ , “ aloof “ 人們常常認為銀行和銀行家是“冷酷” “高傲”者。

I “ m aloof but thoughtful 我可以表現的禮貌而體貼

The great walks with the small without fear . the middling keeps aloof 大的不怕與小的同游。居中的卻遠而避之。

The great walks with the small without fear . the middling keeps aloof 大的不怕與小的同游,居中的卻遠避之。

So why this aloof atmosphere 為什么會有這樣的安排

He started to hold aloof 于是轉而采取了觀望的態度。

The great walks the small without fear . the midding keep aloof 1大不怕與小同游。中卻逃避了。

Never stand aloof from the masses 千萬不可脫離群眾。

Stood apart with aloof dignity 帶著超然的尊嚴站在一旁

The house stands aloof from the streets 那所房子遠離街道。

I find her very aloof and unfriendly 我覺得她非常冷淡,不好相處