
alongside adv.在…的側面;與…并排。 The two ship...


As we came into harbour another ship hove alongside 當我們進入港口時,另一艘船也駛進港來。

His money doesn ' t amount to much alongside of millionaire ' s 他的錢與百萬富翁相比太少了。

A police car drew alongside and signalled to me to stop 一輛警車開到我身邊示意我停下來。

Fig . 16 a transmissometer alongside the runway at kai tak 啟德機場跑道旁的視程透射表。

Photo of tin shui wai nullah , running alongside housing estates 圖片毗鄰屋的天水圍明渠

He reached the carriage and ran alongside it 他趕上馬車,與它并排跑著。

It ' s the fallen mast ! we can ' t lay alongside 桅桿倒了!我們無法停在旁邊

Motion calculation of two ships alongside in waves 波浪中并靠兩船運動計算

Alongside me was a woman in a black dress 站在我旁邊的是一位穿黑衣的女士

Like those part angel , living alongside us 比如半天使是和我們生活在一起的

The rain ran in shallow runnels alongside the path 雨水流進路邊的小河溝里

He gave forgiveness to a thief being crucified alongside him 你給了一個竊賊寬恕,

Who ' s the best player you ' ve played alongside 與你配合過的球員中誰是最好的?

We shipped ( the ) oars and moored alongside the bank 我們收起槳,把船泊在岸邊

. . . like those part angel , living alongside us 比如半天使是和我們生活在一起的

Manulife values customer service alongside good deeds 宏利著重客戶服務不忘行善

He is the master of the boat moored alongside 他是那條靠著碼頭停泊的船的主人。

My married daughter is living alongside of us 我那結了婚的女兒和我們住在一起。

The driver of the train sets out to determine the length of a fence alongside the road by clocking his time to move past the fence . 火車司機打算記錄他經過路旁一個籬笆的時間來測定籬笆的長度。