
along adv.1.成一行地,縱長地;沿,循。2.一塊兒,一道(...


The horses came pounding along the track . 馬都在沿著跑道奔馳。

I do not want them stringing along as well ! 我也同樣不愿意讓他們跟著來。

We were steaming along at 50 mph . 我們靠蒸汽動力以每小時50英里速度前進。

The enemy was put to rout all along the line . 敵人已全線崩潰。

Most of the time i go along with what you want . 我常常是順從你的心意的。

We jogged along merrily eastward . 我們快快活活地朝東慢慢前進。

I thought that you 'd be along pretty pronto . 我原來以為你會很快就來的。

The child trotted along after his mother . 小孩跟在母親后面很快地往前走。

The grape vine climbed up along the wall . 葡萄藤沿墻攀緣而上。

The old bus bumped along the mountain road . 舊公共汽車沿著山路顛簸行駛。

All the cars parked along by the station . 所有的汽車都沿著車站停放一行。

On friday evening he passed this word along . 星期五晚上他傳來了這句話。

The drunkard staggered along the street . 那醉漢趔趄著走在街上。

I told him to have his kit sent along . 我讓他打發人把工具送去。

It 's along pull to the top of the building ... 爬上樓頂很吃力。

The wind was still sweeping along the beach . 風還是一陣陣在海灘上刮過。

The old car bumped along the road . 那部老爺車在路上顛簸著行駛。

He made the story up as he went along . 他說的內容是現講現編的。

The ship 's hull scraped along the side of the dock . 船身擦著碼頭的邊。