
alone adv.1.單獨地;獨自;孤獨地。2.〔用在名詞或代詞后...


I've told you before to leave ogilvie alone . 我過去對你說過別去管奧格爾維。

She was really quite alone in the world . 她孤零零只身一人。

Jesus went out into the wilderness to think alone . 耶穌走進荒野去獨自思考。

His morning whistling alone betrayed it . 這只從他早上吹的口哨里就聽得出來。

He walked on alone to the bookstore . 他一個人走著到書店去。

I remained alone in the bare carriage . 我獨自坐在空車廂里。

Up until the war she had never lived alone . 她在戰爭爆發前從未獨自生活過。

He is left alone and has no one to support him . 他六親無靠。

The lad was alone and friendless . 這孩子獨自一人,無依無靠。

Why was i always alone and secretive ? 我為什么老是獨自一個人偷偷摸摸的呢?

He knew he was alone in a strange land . 他明白了,自己獨處異鄉,舉目無親。

I came to navron to avoid people, to be alone . 我到納府來是為了離群索居。

I would not recommend you to go there alone . 我勸你不要孤身一人到那里去。

Aspira has not had to go it alone . 埃斯皮拉并非單槍匹馬地干。

When at last we met alone it was by stealth . 我們最終的單獨會面是秘密的。

It is not good that man should be alone . 男人不結婚是不好的。

I said you must let isabella alone 我說過你千萬不要惹伊莎貝拉。

The best course is to let them alone . 最好的辦法就是讓他們一意孤行去吧。

I never meant that you should come alone . 我沒打算要你單獨來。