
aloha int.〔夏威夷語〕阿洛哈〔問候或告別時用語〕。

Utilizing various and high quality grain in huaihe valley and abundant resource and geographical advantage as well as own technology and capital advantage , bbca food has addressed the reasonable combination of premium raw material - oriented and end - consumption oriented productions , so as to build up bbca “ aloha “ food brand with strong huaihe local culture , natural and healthy , as well as climate and custom 豐原食品依托淮河五谷雜糧品種繁多、品質天然優良、歷史悠久的資源和地理優勢以及自身的技術和資本優勢,實現了優質原料生產型企業與終端消費品生產型企業的合理結合,創立了豐原“阿羅哈“系列休閑食品品牌,并帶著濃厚的淮河鄉土文化、天然制品的健康文化和深深的地域風情走出了淮河兩岸,走進了千家萬戶。

Not aloha , “ hello , “ aloha , “ goodbye . “ we ' re closed today . go away 不是“你好“ ,我的意思是“再見“我們今天歇業,快走吧

aloha shirt

Due to the data transmission characteristics between tags and reader , space division multiple access ( sdma ) , frequency division multiple access ( fdma ) and code division multiple access ( cdma ) are applied in a limited way in rfid system . therefore , time division multiple ( tdma ) has been generally accepted . according to tdma , there are aloha protocol , s - aloha , binary - tree protocol , clipped binary - tree protocol and others 解決這個問題必須要用到多路存取法,針對射頻識別系統中閱讀器與應答器之間的通信特點,空分多路法、頻分多路法、碼分多路法在rfid系統中應用都受到一定的限制,只能應用到一些特定的場合,一般采用時分多路法,按照時分多路法的算法有aloha算法、時隙aloha算法、二進制樹型搜索算法、修剪枝的二進制樹型搜索算法等防碰撞算法協議,分析了各自特點以及存在的缺點。

Utilizing various and high quality grain in huaihe valley and abundant resource and geographical advantage as well as own technology and capital advantage , bbca food has addressed the reasonable combination of premium raw material - oriented and end - consumption oriented productions , so as to build up bbca “ aloha “ food brand with strong huaihe local culture , natural and healthy , as well as climate and custom 豐原食品依托淮河五谷雜糧品種繁多、品質天然優良、歷史悠久的資源和地理優勢以及自身的技術和資本優勢,實現了優質原料生產型企業與終端消費品生產型企業的合理結合,創立了豐原“阿羅哈“系列休閑食品品牌,并帶著濃厚的淮河鄉土文化、天然制品的健康文化和深深的地域風情走出了淮河兩岸,走進了千家萬戶。

Furthermore , the author established a simulation model with opnet and simulated four mac processes , namely the aloha , 1 - perist csma , r - nad and dap - nad for 220b protocol . by analyzing the statistical results , the performance of mil - std - 188 - 220b was validated 此外,通過opnet網絡仿真工具建立了仿真模型,模擬了無線環境中,純aloha 、 1 -堅持csma 、以及22b的r - nad和dap - nad四種介質訪問控制方式的工作過程。

And even if a bomb detonates , it might not work as planned ; aloha airlines flight 243 ? and most of its crew and passengers ? survived a structurally related explosive decompression at 24 , 000 feet in 1988 that removed a large section of the top half of the fuselage 1988年,阿羅哈航空243班機便在7300公尺的高空中因為炸彈爆炸而減壓,當時機身的上半部都掀掉了,但大部份的機組人員和乘客卻都活了下來。

Aloha addressing protocol is most preferred in rdcs because of its characteristics . most of products and studies use stochastic addressing , but they have some defeats such as small capability , large volume , and energy consuming 從國內外現有的研究和產品來看,一般都是采用隨機接入的多址方式,采用fm調制,系統網絡容量小,系統集成化不高,采用大量分立元件,終端體積而功耗大。

Several kind of typical mac protocols in access network were analyzed . investigating and comparing the characteristics among tdma 、 wdma 、 cdma ; random multiple access protocols such as aloha were analyzed ; slotted aloha - cdma multiple access protocol was analyzed too 分析了以aloha協議為代表的隨機多址接入協議的特點,以及固定與隨機相結合的時隙aloha - cdma多址接入協議的特點。

It works often in burst mode . the signal channel is complex and large . several protocols can be applied to the system : fixed addressing , committed addressing and stochastic addressing ( aloha ) protocols 系統使用的多址協議可以是固定分配地址的、按需分配地址的或者是隨機接入的,這三種方式中,當網絡用戶數量大而業務量小,用戶間歇工作時候,隨機接入多址技術簡單而高效。

“ aloha ! ” she says . outside , a warm sea breeze blows , and the sun is shining . with friendly locals , great weather , and beautiful scenery , hawaii really is paradise1 in the pacific “阿羅哈! ”她說道。機場外,一陣溫暖的海風吹過,燦爛的陽光照耀大地。當地和善的居民、宜人的天氣加上美麗如畫的風景,夏威夷真是太平洋上的樂園。

In order to combine the virtues of reservation anoha and cdma , we bring forward the spread aloha ( sana ) protocol and reservation code multiple - access ( rcma ) protocol and analysis their performance 為了結合aloha和cdma的優點,在aloha和prma的基礎上提出了擴展aloha ( sama )和預約碼多址接入rcma ,并對其性能進行了分析。

The thesis takes notice on aloha combined with cdma technology to realize the rdcs . it first constructes a module on the two technologies and emulates it 本文提出了采用spreadspectrum技術和時分aloha技術( slottedaloha )相結合的新方案來實現區域數據采集系統。

Procedure of initialization assignment describes the transformat ion of ms from idle mode to dedicated mode , which is a typical example of timeslot aloha protocol 初始化接入過程描述了ms從空閑模式到專用模式的轉換,接入過程是典型的“時隙aloha ”協議的應用。

Our author makes sure that you ' ll truly experience the spirit of aloha , and she ' ll help you steer clear of anything that ' s overpriced , touristy , or inauthentic 我們使作者相信,你真正體驗精神阿羅哈,她會幫你避開東西的價格過高,旅游,或不真實的。

Hong kong harbor view restaurant , located on the second floor of aloha tower marketplace , will also offer dim sum and a special new year ' s menu 位于阿羅哈塔商場二樓的香港樓海景餐廳.也將提供港式點心和中國新年的特別菜單。

Hong kong harbor view restaurant , located on the second floor of aloha tower marketplace , will also offer dim sum and a special new year ' s menu 香港海鮮大酒樓位于阿?哈塔商場的二樓,在新年期間提供港式飲茶和特別的年菜

Oue aloha zealous all circles friend arrive and coach , and in the each other trustful basic strike up for long and double win symbiosis 公司熱誠歡迎各界朋友蒞臨指導,并在互相信任的基礎上建立起長久,雙贏的合作關系。

You ' re voice is what dreams are made of . thanks for your friendship , the love , and the inspiration to excel . aloha from hawaii 你的聲音由夢想組成。感謝你的友誼(加成好友) ,愛,和靈感超越了一切。

This is a special contest from aloha airways and the hawaii visitors bureau 這是阿?哈航空公司和夏威夷旅游社團之間的特別比賽。