
aloft adv.1.高高地;在上面。2.在空中。3.【航海】桅上...

He held his candle aloft and said : “ look as far around the corner as you can 他高高舉起蠟燭說: “盡量朝拐角處看,看見了嗎?


Twice a day , the observatory releases a balloon carrying a radiosonde to measure temperatures aloft , up to ten kilometres or above 天文臺每日兩次發放探空氣球,把無線電探空儀送上高空量度氣溫,高度可達10公里或以上。

The insured involves in mining , lumbering , building , transporting , waterborne , aloft , or other similar occupational activities 被保險人涉及采礦業、森林砍伐業、建筑工程業、運輸業、水上作業、高空作業之類職業活動。

The seat he sat on : warm . black wary hecat walked towards richie goulding s legal bag , lifted aloft saluting . - and i from thee . . 他像一只謹慎的黑色公貓似的朝著里奇古爾丁那只舉起來向他打招呼的公文包走去。

If going up and down doesn ' t suit you , by the year 2031 you may be able to check into a space hotel and stay aloft for a few days 如果直上直下不適合你,在2031年前你可以住進一家太空旅館并且在哪兒待幾天。

The matchwinner was hoisted aloft by tony adams , fell over the captain ' s shoulder and broke his arm on the wembley turf 這位功臣被亞當斯高高舉起,然后從隊長亞當斯的肩膀上摔下,在溫布里的草地上折斷了手。

And you yourselves would i bless , you twinkling starlets and glow - worms aloft ! - and would rejoice in the gifts of your light 那時我將感激你們,閃爍的群星,天上的螢火啊!我將因你們贈予的光明而欣喜。

There were at least two cases of soldiers being taken aloft hanging on to the undercarriage or tail wheel in desperation 至少有兩機倉士兵被帶上了天空,他們有的拼命抓住飛機的起落架,有的抱住尾輪。

Even as credit markets seize up , a world economy that is less dependent on the united states is more likely to stay aloft 即使信用市場失靈,世界經濟對美國的依賴越小,就越容易繼續在高空飛翔。

The other arm on his right holds aloft gently a set of crystal prayer beads and the other hand holds a pristine lotus ?左手持清凈蓮花代表其護持眾生的心念純潔得如蓮花般出污泥而不染。

Maximum time aloft ( mta ) - how long can you make your boomerang stay in the air with a single throw 最大的時間向上( mta ) -你使多長罐頭成為你的曲形硬木飛鏢與一個單身者一起呆在空氣扔?

An instrument carried aloft , chiefly by balloon , to gather and transmit meteorological data 無線電高空測候器一種被帶到高空(主要由氣球)進行氣象數據收集和傳送的儀器

The red flag rouse the serf , halberd in hand , while the despot ' s black talons held his whip aloft 紅旗卷起農奴戟,黑手高懸霸主鞭。為有犧牲多壯志,敢教日月換新天。

Search him , some of you shirking lubbers , and the rest of you aloft and get the chest , he cried “你們這些偷懶的飯桶,留兩個人搜他,其余人上樓弄箱子! ”他叫道。

In contrast , in an area of high pressure , the air at low levels spreads outward and air descends from aloft 相反,在高壓區內空氣往外擴散,逼使上面的空氣下沉。

Hands aloft to loose the galleons . with this wind at this grade she ' ll carry every sail we ' ve got 快去把上面的船帆全都打開.趁著這檔強風我們得讓她盡力航行

Is a cold pool necessary for the maintenance of a squall line produced by a cold front aloft 冷空氣堆(冷池)對于高空冷鋒產生的的雹線維持是否是必要的?

Whenever the moon light shines on my body , my feeling floats as the white clouds aloft . 當我們結婚剛滿五年的時候,我又找到了戶籍警,還是原來的那個人。

Training and expertise service on mountaineering safety and work safety on aloft mountain 山野安全和高空山野工作安全的訓練活動及專業顧問服務