
aloe n.1.【植物;植物學】蘆薈;沉香,伽南香。2.〔pl....

“ i have sprinkled my bed with myrrh , aloes and cinnamon 箴7 : 17我又用沒藥、沉香、桂皮薰了我的榻。

aloe swood

Aloe canned food 糖水蘆薈:

Till now , there is no report on the research that sod is abstracted from aloe 可是至目前為止未見到從蘆薈中分離純化sod的報道。

Aloe vera is well known its good for skin , it ' s also rich in vitamins and minerals 蘆薈不僅有益皮膚,而且還富含維他命及礦物質。

Aloe vera , celery , grapefruit and cabbage juices promote healing of ulcers 蘆薈、西芹、西柚和椰菜汁等都有促進潰瘍復原的作用。

Main ingredients : tea tree essence , hamamelis , cypress , chamomile and aloe etc 主要成份:茶樹精華、金縷梅、黃柏菊花、蘆薈等。

Aloe vera is regarded as a soothing , moisturizing and healing agent for the skin 蘆薈是公認的皮膚治療劑、保濕劑及柔軟劑。

Conclusion capsulae aloes possesses beneficial facilitating defecation action 結論蘆薈膠囊具有很好的潤腸功能及排便功能。

The development and the industry cuntermeasure of aloe resources in yuanjiang of yunnan 云南元江蘆薈資源的開發及產業對策

Protecting of aloe - emodin on ccl4 - induced injury of primary cultured rat hepatocytes 4損傷原代培養大鼠肝細胞的保護作用

Aloe vera contains over thirty enzymes , including lipase and oxidase 蘆薈精華素含有三十多種酶,包括脂肪酶和氧化酶。

The study on aloe flavour 蘆薈香精的調配研究

Effects of aloe polysaccharide on produce of anti - srbc antibody of mice 灌服蘆薈多糖對小鼠抗羊紅細胞抗體生成的影響

Products : aloe pudding , aloe jam , dried - aloe powder , aloe gel 主要產品:蘆薈果丁、蘆薈果醬、蘆薈干粉、蘆薈凝膠。

Determination of arsenic and selenium in aloe by atomic fluorescence spectrometry 原子熒光光譜法測定蘆薈中砷和硒

T - 11 lierkang super - white paste with mint t - 12 lierkang super - white paste with aloe T - 11利爾康薄荷藥物超白牙膏

Aloe vera has anti - pruritic properties so will help to reduce itching 蘆薈具有止癢性能,所以將有助于減少發癢。

Researches on aloe polysaccharide 蘆薈多糖的研究

Effect of aloe polysaccharide on experimental gastric ulcer in animal models 蘆薈多糖對動物實驗性胃潰瘍的影響