
allow vt.1.準許(做某事),許可(某現象存在)。2.容許,...


It is not allowed to use one 's power to seek privileges . 不允許把職權變成特權。

Do n't allow evil thoughts to poison young people 's minds . 不允許邪念毒害青年。

Furuncles of the auditory canal should be allowed to resolve . 應能使耳道癤消退。

This template allows for slight song variations . 這個樣板可以允許歌聲稍有變化。

Allow me to heartily congratulate you . 請允許我祝賀你。

We can't allow her to insult us . 我們不能忍受她的侮辱。

He was allowed to proceed to an ma . 他獲準攻讀文學碩士。

You are allowed a rebate of $ 10 . 你可以獲得十元的退款。

He stood up to allow her to sit down . 他站起來讓她坐下。

Beggars are not allowed to solicit in public places . 乞丐不得在公共場所乞討。

Smoking is not allowed in first class . 頭等艙中不準吸煙。

This mr. morris allowed to be extremely fair . 莫里斯認為,這是最公平不過的。

I submit that this should be allowed . 我想這是可以允許的。

Disobedience cannot be allowed in the army . 軍隊不許抗命。

A winch allows the birds to be lowered or raised . 飛行器可用絞車降低或升高。

Nowadays dogs are not allowed to bite . 這年月狗咬人可不行。

They allow their children to run wild . 他們讓孩子放蕩胡為。

I won't allow myself to be stamped by fear .. 我不會容許我自己被恐懼嚇跑的。

He was not allowed to make an explanation . 他們不讓他分辨。