
allotment n.1.分配,分派;份額。2.〔英國〕(劃成小塊出租的)...

“ for the lord ' s portion is his people ; jacob is the allotment of his inheritance 申32 : 9耶和華的分、本是他的百姓他的產業、本是雅各。


To ensure quality , the regulatory bodies set a series of provisos for share allotment 配股資格的獲得,是以盈利指標達到證券監管機構設置的標準為條件。

A quantitative study of income allotment disparity among chinese citizens on the basis of regression analysis 基于回歸分析的居民收入分配差距的定量研究

Should the application price exceeds the allotment price , the difference will be refunded to the investor 若申請價高于配售價,差額將會退還予投資者。

The allotment basis depends on the number of valid applications for subscription for the ipo shares 股份的分配基準視乎有效的認購新股申請數目而定。

1 pet . 5 : 3 nor as lording it over your allotments but by becoming patterns of the flock 彼前五3也不是作主轄管所委?你們的產業,乃是作群羊的榜樣。

At around 6 pm . the staffs let us made the registration and did a draw for seating allotment 下午6點左右,職員給我們預定安排好就座的分配圖。

The lowest and average prices of allotment to be announced no later than 3 : 00 p . m . on hkma website 時在金管局網站公布配發債券的最低及平均價格

The investors who are to participate in the off - line allotment shall fully pay the subscription price 參與網下配售的投資者應全額繳付申購款。

Circular to shareholders - connected and discloseable transactions , allotment and issue of shares 6 july 2006 重大股東通告2006年7月6日

Students ' metacognitive knowledge of reading material and the allotment of reading time 學困生關于材料特征的元認知知識與應用的實驗研究

“ for the lord ' s portion is his people ; jacob is the allotment of his inheritance 申32 : 9耶和華的分、本是他的百姓他的產業、本是雅各。

However in the egcs it is difficult to have reasonable allotment for elevator group 建立了電梯動態最佳群控系統的分析模型和設計模型。

Women shall be equal with men in the allotment of housing and enjoyment of welfare benefits 在分配住房和享受福利待遇方面男女平等。

Nor as lording it over your allotments but by becoming patterns of the flock 3也不是作主轄管所委托你們的產業,乃是作群羊的榜樣。

An allotment of seats is reserved at every screening for pass holders 所有電影節節目場次均會預留一定數量座位予各類通行證持有人。

Reflections and practice of the allotment reform for teachers in colleges and universities 高校教師工資分配制度改革的實踐與思考

Balance of allotment planning and payout budget for national natural science foundations 自然科學基金資助計劃和支出預算的平衡

A study of shares - interest allotment policy and efficiency of listed - companies in china 我國上市公司的股利分配政策與效率研究