
allied adj.1.同盟的,同盟國的。2.姻親的。3.同源的;類...


He was convinced that america so weakened would dishearten allies who depended on us . 他確信,美國如果這樣削弱下去,會使依賴我們的盟友灰心喪氣。

Her axis partner, italy, had defected, and the allies were advancing up the boot . 她的軸心國伙伴意大利已經開小差,盟軍正(向意大利半島)挺進。

He and she were politically more than just friends: they were extremely close allies . 他和她在政治上不僅僅是一般的朋友,而是親密無間的同盟者。

The liaison with scientists working on the same or allied problems will be facilitated . 同從事相同或類似課題研究的科學家們的合作會更加方便。

His new ally had told him that nothing was more easy for him than to do so . 他的新盟友曾經告訴過他,就他來說,沒有事情比這么做更容易的了。

Sydney carton, idlest and most unpromising of men, was stryver's great ally . 西得尼卡爾登,最懶散和最無望的人,是史曲勒孚的大盟友。

Allying with churchill was regarded as the political kiss of death even in 1939 . 即使在1939年與邱吉爾結盟也被視作是政治上的鋌而走險。

But he was too generous long to nurse any feeling which was allied to selfishness . 可是他天性慷慨,不會產生任何同自私自利有關的感情。

On august 7, 1942, the allies began their first offensive action in the pacific . 一九四二年八月七日,盟軍第一次在太平洋地區發動攻勢。

After the withdrawal of the allies in april 1941, greece was occupied by the axis powers . 1941年4月盟軍撤離后,希臘被軸心國家占領。

I was promoted to be a major, and even allied government gave me a decoration . 我被提升為少校,每一個同盟國政府都發給我一枚勛章。

The rebels defiantly welcomed new allies and laid plans for unionization campaigns . 造反派熱烈歡迎新盟友,并制訂組織工會的計劃。

France would never have ceased to be one of the principal belligerent allies . 法國絕不會失去其同盟國方面的主要交戰國之一的地位。

There was no defence against our own preconceptions or those of our allies . 我們自己的,或是我們盟國的先入之見都沒有遭到反駁。

Each of the allies had, according to its means, contributed to the common cause . 各盟國都能各盡所能,以貢獻于我們之共同理想。

Every form of deception and every obstacle baffled the allied commission . 用盡一切欺瞞和阻撓的手段來避開協約國委員會的耳目。

We had not yet come to appreciate fully the nature of an allied command . 我們對于盟軍統帥部本質的認識,仍未達到理想的階段。

The ability of insects to eat man's pests has made some insects his allies . 以人類害蟲為食的昆蟲使它自己成了人類的朋友。

We are quite prepared to consider with our allies any useful proposals . 我們非常愿意同我們的盟國一道研究一切有益的建議。