
allergy n.1.【醫學】變(態反)應性,過敏。2.憎惡,反感。短...


This plants a kind be skin allergy 這種是皮膚過敏的一種。

Avoiding whatever causes an allergy may not always be easy 避免收支導致過敏的物質并不總是那么容易。

Food intolerance or food allergy 食物不耐受還是食物過敏?

Check for a history of allergies to airborne irritants and foods 檢查是否有空中刺激物和食物過敏史。

Allergies cause heaps of trouble 過敏反應會帶來許多問題。

Vaccine allergy and management 疫苗預防接種的過敏反應與處理

The prevalence of pollen - related food allergies has increased 與花粉相關食品敏感癥的發病率在提高。

Allergies cause heaps of trouble 過敏反應能引起一堆的麻煩。

An allergy is an unusually strong reaction to a substance 過敏是一種對某種物質不正常的強烈反應。

She have an allergy to household dust 她對房間里的灰塵過敏。

Avoiding whatever causes an allergy may not always be easy 躲開任何可能引起過敏因素是不可能的。

Nobody has allergies when i ' m the father 家里其他人都不會過敏

One case of allergy caused by sargramostim 沙格司亭致過敏反應1例

No . i . i think you have food allergies 不.我.我想你是食物過敏了

Find more allergy book reviews on the wao website here Wao網站上其它的變態反應學書評見此處。

Drug allergy reaction belongs to medicaments harmful response 藥物過敏反應屬于藥物不良反應。

Do you know if you have any allergies to foods or medicines 你知道你對什么事物或藥物過敏嗎?

Unfamiliar with drug : allergy , dose , and or cross sensitivity 不熟悉藥物:過敏劑量交互作用

For skin allergy : grind with water and apply to affected area 用水研磨?外敷治皮膚過敏反應。