
alleluia n.,int.= hallelujah.

By the song “ sing for the nature “ , he won the 1st prize in the contest for composing choral songs for the children for junior high students held by hong kong treble choirs association and hong kong schools music and speech association . other choral pieces included “ alleluia “ , “ the tiny spark “ , “ the autumn night “ , “ the lord s prayer “ , “ ave maria “ and piano piece “ flash “ , etc 2000年憑歡唱大自然一曲在香港童聲合唱協會與香港學校音樂及朗誦協會合辦的童聲合唱歌曲創作大賽c組適合初中學生演唱中獲得冠軍;其它的合唱作品有亞利路亞一星弱火秋夕天主經圣母頌及

Fittingly entitled “ it ' s christmas every day “ , it follows his previous unsuccessful efforts like “ the christmas man “ , “ yuletide oh yeah “ , and “ alleluia it ' s christmas “ 其中緣由也許真如他自己所說: “我從來,從來沒有對慶祝圣誕節感到厭倦過。我毫無保留地喜愛它。 ”


By the song “ sing for the nature “ , he won the 1st prize in the contest for composing choral songs for the children for junior high students held by hong kong treble choirs association and hong kong schools music and speech association . other choral pieces included “ alleluia “ , “ the tiny spark “ , “ the autumn night “ , “ the lord s prayer “ , “ ave maria “ and piano piece “ flash “ , etc 2000年憑歡唱大自然一曲在香港童聲合唱協會與香港學校音樂及朗誦協會合辦的童聲合唱歌曲創作大賽c組適合初中學生演唱中獲得冠軍;其它的合唱作品有亞利路亞一星弱火秋夕天主經圣母頌及

As of old thou didst redeem us from the curse of the law by thy divinely - shed blood , o jesus , likewise rescue me from the snares in which the serpent has entangled us through the passions of the flesh , through lustful suggestions and evil despondency , as we cry to thee : alleluia 耶穌啊,昔日藉著禰寶血神圣的傾流,您把我們從律法的詛咒下贖回,如今也求禰救我免陷于那毒蛇以肉欲、邪情和失望所羅織的誘惑之網,令我能向禰高歌:阿肋路亞!

Thou who didst endue with power from on high thy apostles who tarried in jerusalem , o jesus , clothe also me , stripped bare of all good work , with the warmth of thy holy spirit , and grant that with love i may sing to thee : alleluia 耶穌啊,禰曾將自上而來的權柄賦予守侯在耶路撒冷的眾宗徒,也求禰以禰圣靈的溫暖覆庇我,用各種善工充實我,并恩賜我能懷著愛慕之心向禰歌唱:阿肋路亞!

A choir of six hundred voices , conducted by mr vincent o brien , sings the alleluia chorus , accompanied on the organ by joseph glynn . bloom becomes mute , shrunken , carbonised . zoe talk away till you re black in the face 由文森特奧布賴恩379先生指揮的六百人的唱詩班,在約瑟夫格林380的風琴伴奏下,唱疊句彌賽亞中的“哈利路亞”疊句。

Seeing god wondrously incarnate , let us shun the vain world and set our mind on things divine ; for god descended to earth to raise to heaven us who cry to him : alleluia 目睹了上帝奇妙地道成肉身,讓我們躲避這驕傲的世俗,一心專注于神圣的事物;因為上帝降來人間,使我們上升天庭,我們要向他歡呼:阿肋路亞!

The angelic hosts in heaven glorify unceasingly thy most holy name , o jesus , crying : holy , holy , holy ! but we sinners on earth , with our frail voices cry : alleluia 耶穌啊,天使的軍旅無時或息地贊頌禰的至圣之名,高呼道:圣哉、圣哉、圣哉。而我們這些世上的罪人,也以卑微的聲音歌唱說:阿肋路亞。

And i heard as it were the voice of a great multitude , and as the voice of many waters , and as the voice of mighty thunderings , saying , alleluia : for the lord god omnipotent reigneth 啟19 : 6我聽見好像群眾的聲音、眾水的聲音、大雷的聲音、說、哈利路亞因為主我們的神、全能者、作王了。

Fittingly entitled “ it ' s christmas every day “ , it follows his previous unsuccessful efforts like “ the christmas man “ , “ yuletide oh yeah “ , and “ alleluia it ' s christmas “ 其中緣由也許真如他自己所說: “我從來,從來沒有對慶祝圣誕節感到厭倦過。我毫無保留地喜愛它。 ”

But beholding thee , o jesus , in the flesh walking on the waters , he confessed thee to be the true god ; and receiving the hand of salvation , he cried : alleluia 但當看見了禰? ?耶穌? ?以肉軀行走于水面之上,他便宣認禰是真上帝,并抓住了救援之手,因而歡呼:阿肋路亞!

But as god thou didst rise from the dead and didst ascend with glory to heaven , and along with thyself thou didst raise us who cry : alleluia 身為上帝禰又由死者中復活,并榮耀地上升天庭,我們這些因禰而復生的人,與禰一同高歌:阿肋路亞。

Therefore thy name is exalted above every name , and from all the tribes of earth and heaven , thou dost hear : alleluia 由天上地下的萬族口中,禰聆納其贊美的歌聲:阿肋路亞。

All that long business about that brought us out of the land of egypt and into the house of bondage alleluia 我們終于被領出埃及的士地,進入了為奴之家37 。

The shouts of alleluia have broken the silence and the light has dispelled the darkness 亞肋路亞的呼聲打破了靜默,光明驅散了黑暗。

Thenceforth , being healed through thy wounds , we learned to sing : alleluia 自此我們由禰的圣傷獲得治愈,而能學習歌唱:阿肋路亞!

Alleluia . the famished snaggletusks of an elderly bawd protrude from a doorway 審判長閣下,他就是那幫人當中的一個。

Heavenly host sing alleluia 天主唱著哈利路亞

Heavenly hosts sing alleluia 傳來哈里路亞的歌聲