
allegory n.比喻;寓言;象征。

Start with the comment of levinson , a new historicism critic , on the poem tin tern abbey by william wordsworth , the author tried to understand the history reflected from the poem with the help of jameson ' s viewpoint “ absence of history “ , and to analyze the nature appeared in the poem with the help of the theory of allegory by critic paul de man who did great research work on deconstruction 摘要本文從新歷史主義批評家列文森對于華茲華斯《丁登寺》一詩的批評入手,借助詹明信的歷史“缺場”觀點來理解華茲華斯在這首詩中所反映的歷史,同時借助解構主義文評家保羅?德?曼的寓言理論來分析該詩所呈現的自然。

Meanwhile , there was profound social contradiction in yuanhe era , the disillusion of literati ' s ideal and repressed psychology made yuanhe literature derive two trends out of “ interpretation of tao “ and “ allegory “ , one stressed on grotesque and the other stressed on pathos 同時,元和時代又蘊藏著深刻的社會矛盾,在文人理想破滅和心理的壓抑下,使得元和文學在“明道” 、 “諷諭”之外,進而衍生兩大流向:一是偏重奇險崛奧,二是偏重感傷閑適。

By interpreting a dialogues between zhuangzi and huizi in “ allegory of zhuangzi “ , this paper reveals zhuangzi ' s regret in his late years and discloses the complexity of zhuangzi ' s thoughts and his life 摘要該文通過解釋《莊子?寓言》篇莊子與惠子的一段對話,證成莊子晚年悔意問題的存在,由此揭示出莊子思想與人生復雜性的一面。

The “ absence of history “ of jameson , regarding history as allegory , gave a premise for doing a complete analysis on historical allegory and natural allegory in the tintern abbey 詹明信的歷史“缺場”思想是建立在將歷史視為寓言的基礎上的,這就為將歷史的寓言和自然的寓言在《丁登寺》中做整體的分析提供了可能。

“ netherlandish still lifes often depicted skulls , candles , and hourglasses as allegories of mortality , or flowers and fruits to symbolize nature ' s cycle . 早期的尼德蘭靜物畫以頭蓋骨、蠟燭和沙漏寓意死亡,以四季鮮花和果實象征大自然的循環。

“ i don ' t think i know what you mean ? “ she said , “ you use too many figures of speech ; i could never understand allegories . “我不明白你是什么意思, ”她說, “你用的比喻太多,我從來不懂這些啞謎。 ”

Kousoulas , g . “ allusion and allegory : aphorisms of a capital . “ 1984 暗示與寓言:一個首都的格言, 1984

“the mysterious stranger“, his last book, is an allegory that suggests that life is in reality only a dream . 他最后的一本書《神秘的陌生人》則是一部諷刺小說,表明生活實際上不過是一場夢。


Start with the comment of levinson , a new historicism critic , on the poem tin tern abbey by william wordsworth , the author tried to understand the history reflected from the poem with the help of jameson ' s viewpoint “ absence of history “ , and to analyze the nature appeared in the poem with the help of the theory of allegory by critic paul de man who did great research work on deconstruction 摘要本文從新歷史主義批評家列文森對于華茲華斯《丁登寺》一詩的批評入手,借助詹明信的歷史“缺場”觀點來理解華茲華斯在這首詩中所反映的歷史,同時借助解構主義文評家保羅?德?曼的寓言理論來分析該詩所呈現的自然。

Then he was again led away somewhere with his eyes still bandaged , and as he walked they spoke to him in allegories of the toils of his pilgrimage , and of holy love , of the eternal creator of the world , of the courage with which he was to endure toils and dangers . during this time pierre noticed that he was called sometimes the 后來又把他領到什么地方,沒有給他解開蒙住眼睛的手絹,在他行走的時候,有人對他說幾句含有寓意的話:巡禮中的艱苦神圣的友誼亙古永存的創世主,勇敢他應該勇敢地忍受艱苦和危險。

This essay analyses the charactericties of han shao - gong ’ s nove ( the dictionary of maqiao ) in the following aspects : ( 1 ) the allegory mode of the novel ; ( 2 ) the special narrative structure as “ anti majorline - domination ” ; ( 3 ) the specific using of language ; ( 4 ) the ingenious exposing of the facts behind the official / orthodox language 摘要本篇論文除了闡釋韓少功長篇小說《馬橋詞典》中,作者系于辭條(或文字)背后的馬橋的文化與風俗,呈現出馬橋的過去與現在、馬橋的人與事。

Though it was not altogether clear what the painter had intended to express by representing the so - called king of rome tossing the terrestrial globe on a sceptre , the allegory apparently seemed to napoleon , as it had to every one who had seen it in paris , quite clear and extremely pleasing 雖然對畫家畫這個所謂羅馬王用小棍捅地球要表現什么不十分了解,但其寓意,不論是在巴黎看見這幅畫的所有人,還是拿破侖本人,都是清楚的,而且覺得非常稱心。

Meanwhile , there was profound social contradiction in yuanhe era , the disillusion of literati ' s ideal and repressed psychology made yuanhe literature derive two trends out of “ interpretation of tao “ and “ allegory “ , one stressed on grotesque and the other stressed on pathos 同時,元和時代又蘊藏著深刻的社會矛盾,在文人理想破滅和心理的壓抑下,使得元和文學在“明道” 、 “諷諭”之外,進而衍生兩大流向:一是偏重奇險崛奧,二是偏重感傷閑適。

Damocles faced the wall and meditated for ten years and got the buddhist allegory finally , i sit there for two hours and thirty six minutes , at 7 : 29 pm , i made a decision at last : i need to be a graduate student , after a full pack of smokes of helan mountains brand had been finished by me 達摩面壁十載終于悟得憚機,我在靜坐了兩小時三十六分七點九二秒、抽完了整整一盒賀蘭山牌香煙之后我終于做出了一個決定:我要考研!

A haunting allegory that shows the conflict between filial duty , tradition and social pressure , the same story was remade by imamura shohei decades later , but the original remains a startling , culturally resonant magnum opus 從片中搶吃白米飯和偷糧食遭活埋的事件,可見木下也知生存困境往往戕害人性,但他不欲沉溺丑陋,更愿高揚仁愛親情。

By interpreting a dialogues between zhuangzi and huizi in “ allegory of zhuangzi “ , this paper reveals zhuangzi ' s regret in his late years and discloses the complexity of zhuangzi ' s thoughts and his life 摘要該文通過解釋《莊子?寓言》篇莊子與惠子的一段對話,證成莊子晚年悔意問題的存在,由此揭示出莊子思想與人生復雜性的一面。

First - time feature director khoo eng yow explores the tension between heritage conservation and modernisation , family and profit , in a layered yet simplistic story fuelled by metaphors and allegories 馬來西亞新進導演邱涌耀首部長片,透過老房子側寫失落人情家庭倫理,寫實而不說教,影像流露他對馬來西亞華人文化傳承的關注。

They bring forth the vedic knowledge and teachings by way of myths ; parables , allegories and stories ; legends ; life stories of kings and other prominent persons ; and chronologies of historical events 他們通過神話、寓言、比喻和故事、傳說;國王和其他卓越人物的生動故事、歷史事件的年代表等方式來展示出吠陀知識和教導。

Here , nostalgia and fantasy are interlocked into an allegory about modern redevelopment in hong kong that will affect mcdull s future , giving him an anxiety attack in the form of a shaking leg 除了懷舊街頭縮影,人來人往的大角咀大廈如積木般瞬間陷落,凸顯香港海市蜃樓的如夢繁華。獲香港電影評論學會最佳電影獎。