
allegiance n.1.忠誠,歸順,忠心 (opp. treason)。...

Smith , portraying churchill in “ allegiance 美術的完整的


Different allegiances in terms of loyalties , relationships broken and some new ones formed 不同的效忠程度,關系破裂而新的又建立。

Raiders rarely holds any allegiances beyond those they forge with blood and iron 掠襲者極少會效忠于某個勢力,他們是鐵血漢子。

I don ' t care about the man ' s allegiance . i care about his ability to win battles 我不在乎阿喀琉斯對誰效忠我只在乎他能打勝仗

I cannot accept on his behalf a divided allegiance : it must be entire 我不能代表上帝接受三心二意的忠誠,非得死心塌地不可。 ”

Yet daniele was still a man capable of a man s free allegiance 雖然這樣,丹尼卻依舊是個男子,他有著一個男子的自愿的忠貞。

Allegiances will be made 聯盟將會形成

We swore allegiance to mexico under the federalist constitution of 1 824 我們在1824年的聯邦憲法下宣誓效忠墨西哥

Your allegiance is to the clan 你們要效忠幫派

Mps kept up their outward allegiance to the parties they belonged to 議員們對各自所屬的黨派保持表面上的忠誠。

Steadfast in allegiance to one ' s homeland , government , or sovereign 忠心的對自己的祖國,政府或主權無限忠誠的

Bound to give such allegiance and services to a lord or monarch 臣服的臣民被限制向領主或君主臣服和服役的臣民

So ruthless in his shifting allegiances that he killed his own father , 為了自己的衷心無情的殺死了自己的父親

But despite my former allegiance , 但是不管我之前的忠誠

Are you willing to take the full oath of allegiance to the united states 您充分的?解對美國忠誠的宣誓嗎

Name one promise you make when you say the oath of allegiance 問:舉出一項在宣讀效忠誓詞時提出的保證。

Smith , portraying churchill in “ allegiance 美術的完整的

One who will have your allegiance 一個你將要為之效忠的人

L want you to consider : allegiance 我希望你謹記在心:忠誠