
alleged adj.1.被提出而尚未證實的,有嫌疑的。2.聲稱的,宣...

“stars: their birth, life, and death“ is the result of a lifetime of work in the solar realm, embracing the full solar cycle but evincing none of the alleged deficiencies of composition at solar minimum . 《恒星的誕生、發展和死亡》一書是著者在恒星領域里工作一生的結果,經歷了太陽活動周期的所有相位,然而卻絲毫看不出所謂在太陽活動極小期缺乏特色的跡象。


“stars: their birth, life, and death“ is the result of a lifetime of work in the solar realm, embracing the full solar cycle but evincing none of the alleged deficiencies of composition at solar minimum . 《恒星的誕生、發展和死亡》一書是著者在恒星領域里工作一生的結果,經歷了太陽活動周期的所有相位,然而卻絲毫看不出所謂在太陽活動極小期缺乏特色的跡象。