
allege vt.1.斷言,宣稱。2.提出…作為理由。短語和例子It...

“stars: their birth, life, and death“ is the result of a lifetime of work in the solar realm, embracing the full solar cycle but evincing none of the alleged deficiencies of composition at solar minimum . 《恒星的誕生、發展和死亡》一書是著者在恒星領域里工作一生的結果,經歷了太陽活動周期的所有相位,然而卻絲毫看不出所謂在太陽活動極小期缺乏特色的跡象。


There was the matter of an alleged assassination plot within iran , for example 據稱在伊朗會有對普京的暗殺企圖。

But you know my opinion on the reviewers and the alleged critics 不過我對書評家和所謂的評論家的意見是知道的。

A nationwide manhunt for an alleged child molester is over 全國范圍內的一名涉嫌調戲兒童的嫌疑犯的搜捕結束了。

At the time of the alleged offence , cheng was a senior lecturer of cityu 鄭于涉嫌罪行發生時為城大高級講師。

A nationwide manhunt for an alleged child molester is over 一次對所謂未成年人性騷擾的全國性搜捕運動結束了。

A nationwide manhunt for an alleged child molester is over 對一名涉嫌猥褻兒童者的全國性搜捕活動告一段落。

A nationwide manhunt for an alleged child molester is over 全國范圍內對兒童性騷擾嫌疑犯搜捕工作結束了。

A nationwide manhunt for an alleged child molester is over 一次全國范圍的未成年人性騷擾搜捕運動已結束。

Alleged transfer to missile technology 涉嫌轉運導彈技術

He is alleged to have passed on secret information to a newspaper 他已經涉嫌把秘密情報傳送給一家報紙。

He alleged that he did not take it 他指稱說他沒有拿它。

The alleged rape happened in march 據說強奸發生在三月。

She was late for the meeting and alleged that her watch was wrong 她開會遲到了,指稱說是她的手?不準。

He is alleged to have completed it 據稱是他完成了這件事。

The calculation of pi value in case of paternity testing of alleged parents 分型親權指數計算方法探討

You ' re referring to the alleged infidelity , are you not 你指的是對男方的沒有依據的不忠指控,是嗎?

A newspaper article alleged that the cabinet was going to resign 一家報紙文章指稱說內閣即將辭職。

She was late for the meeting and alleged that her watch was wrong 她開會遲到了,說是因為手表不準。