
allay vt.減輕,壓(驚),止(渴),消(痛),解(憂)。

Team - mate joe cole also allayed fears over the winger , adding : “ he seemed to twist to his ankle but it doesn ' t appear to be too serious . 左路隊友喬科爾也為他減壓,說道:他看上去像是腳踝受傷了,但看上去并不嚴重。


I exclaimed : and indeed there was something in the hasty and unexplanatory reply which , instead of allaying , piqued my curiosity more than ever 我嚷道,其實他那么匆忙而不作解釋的回答,不但沒有消除我的好奇心,反而更刺激了它。

It is like cutting flesh off your own leg and feeding on it your hunger is allayed but you die soon after , he said , according to historical records 意思是,倘若君主苛斂,使老百姓疲弊痛苦,這就跟割下自己小腿的肉來充肌沒有兩樣。

He had realized immediately the serious condition of mrs jones , and had sent back to his dispensary for some opium pills , to allay the pain 他立即向瓊斯先生了解了當時的情況,然后快速返回診所拿來少量的麻藥用于減輕她的痛苦。

The steel model of various mementoes , metal stamps , metal cards and relief sculptures made by zinc allay are d0minated in this company 主要從事浮雕藝術鋼模、各類高級紀念章、金屬郵票、金屬紀念卡、精品浮雕鋅合金禮品的制作。

It is used in traditional chinese medicine to allay pain and serve as an antiphlogistic , and is pictured attractively here against a multi - hued backdrop 紫條溝小皮傘細小纖弱,通常在雨后叢生,傳統中藥用以鎮痛消炎。

Team - mate joe cole also allayed fears over the winger , adding : “ he seemed to twist to his ankle but it doesn ' t appear to be too serious . 左路隊友喬科爾也為他減壓,說道:他看上去像是腳踝受傷了,但看上去并不嚴重。

Similarly , before taking any sog option , we expect ngos to conduct necessary staff consultations to allay staff concern 同樣地,在選取特別撥款時,我們期望機構進行合適的諮詢工作,以減低員工的疑慮。

Mr snow said that concerns in the us congress over the renminbi had been allayed only temporarily by the 2 . 1 per cent revaluation 斯諾先生表示人民幣升值2 . 1 %只是暫時緩解了美國國會對人民幣的焦慮。

The screw and barrel of extruder are made of high quality 38crmoala allay steel , the hardness is over hv950 after nitrogenizing treatment 再生料粉料或顆粒料拉制扁絲。擠出機的螺桿機筒采用

The muskeg berries did not allay this gnawing , while they made his tongue and the roof of his mouth sore with their irritating bite 反而那種刺激性味道使他的舌頭和口腔的上腭熱辣辣的痛。

Despite its condescension toward the bennet family , the letter begins to allay elizabeth ' s prejudice against darcy 盡管這封信對班納特家的態度很高傲,但它開始消除伊麗莎白對達西的偏見。

If the ruler ' s temper rises against you , do not abandon your position , because composure allays great offenses 傳10 : 4掌權者的心、若向你發怒、不要離開你的本位、因為柔和能免大過。

This technique , called biofortification , has the potential to allay chronic malnutrition among millions of asians 這種被稱為生物強化的技術可能會減少幾百萬亞洲人的慢性營養不良。

And bond prices have risen , as evidence of economic fragility has allayed fears that inflation will accelerate 債券價格開始回升,經濟顯示某些脆弱性也讓人們減輕了對通脹的恐懼。

Pacification involves informing the occupied residents about the occupying nation & # 39s policies , and allaying their fears 清剿行動包括告知占領區居民我國的政策,開釋他們的恐慌。

It seldom happens that any felicity comes so pure as not to be tempered and allayed by some mixture of sorrow 幾乎沒有任何一種幸福是純粹的,總是多少摻雜著一些悲哀。

It seldom happens that any felicity comes pure as not to be tempered and allayed by some mixture of sorrow 幾乎沒有任何一種幸福是純粹的,總是多少摻雜著一些悲哀。

If the ruler ' s spirit rises up against you , do not leave your place ; for composure allays great offenses 4掌權者若向你生氣,你不要離開本位,因為柔和能免大過。