
allantoin n.尿囊素。


Owning to our rich resources and abundant experience , we have become a large - scale enterprise group which specialized in manufacturing and marketing specialty chemicals , flavors , fatty acids , mainly products are allantoin , caproic acid , heptanoic acid , 2 - methyl butyric acid , climbazole , iso amyl alcohol , vitamin e series , etc 集團是以生產精細化工產品和香料脂肪酸為主導,主要有尿囊素己酸庚酸二甲基丁酸甘寶素熊果苷異戊醇維生素e系列等,主導產品的產量質量技術含量都居國內同行業前列,有的達到國際先進水平。

Its headquarter is located at xinkailu no . 8 , xuanhua district of zhangjiakou city . its main products include ziyun brand civil explosive products series : powdery ammonium nitrate explosive emulsion explosive industrial fuse ; ziyun brand fine chemical products series : glyoxalic acid 5 - 4 - hydroxyphenyl hydantoin p - hydroxyphenylacetic acid p - hydroxyphenylacetamide allantoin daidzein bufexamac ; aaa brand fine chemical products series : ethylamine methanol trimethylacetic acid tert - valeryl chloride ; great wall brand agricultural chemical fertilizer products series : ammonia urea ammonium bicarbonate ; chenguang brand calium carbide chenguang brand acetylene carbon black xuguang brand dissolved acetylene ; and the others as sulphur ammoina liquor oxygen nitrogen , etc . 公司現有主要產品為,紫云牌民爆產品系列:粉狀硝銨炸藥乳化炸藥工業導火索紫云牌精細化工產品系列:乙醛酸對羥基苯海因對羥基苯乙酸對羥基苯乙酰胺尿囊素大豆甙元丁苯羥酸三a牌精細化工產品系列:乙基胺甲醇特戊酸特戊酰氯長城牌農化產品系列:合成氨尿素碳銨晨光牌電石,乙炔炭黑旭光牌溶解乙炔。

Allantoin has functions of stimulating growth of healthy organization and healing wound or illness , promoting the water absorption capability of skin and outermost tissue of hair , preventing light and resisting oxidant , and also the effect of making skin soft and elastic , radiant and dryness resistant 尿囊素,具有刺激健康組織生長和治愈病傷的作用,能促進肌膚、毛發最外層組織的吸水能力,有避光、抗氧化作用,使皮膚柔軟有彈性、有光澤、防止干裂等效果。

In the course of oxidation , reaction temperature should rise step by step , and in the late stage , reduced pressure distillation should follow so that the concertration of glyoxalic acid can rise and production rate of allantoin can rise up to 40 % 在氧化反應的過程中逐步地提高反應溫度,反應后期進行減壓濃縮,提高了乙醛酸的濃度,縮短了氧化時間,并使尿囊素產率達到40 % 。

Allantoin can accelerate the growth of granulation tissues and the concrescence of wounds , remove necrotic tissues saliently , and promote the regeneration of epithelial cells of mucous membranes 由于本品具有上述藥理作用,近年來我國在化妝美容品方面逐步推廣應用,特別是作為化妝美容品的防腐削,能起到防腐藥理美容的雙重作用,促進皮屑表面的新陳代謝,故深受消費者的歡迎。

Allantoin can also promote the growth of vegetation and has very manifest effect on germinating , taking root and sprouting to boost agricultural production ultimately 尿囊素不僅對動物,并且對植物同樣有促進生長的作用,尤其對植物發芽,秧苗返青、植株生長等更為明顯,最終導致農業增產。

Allantoin is an important product of fine chemical , it has a very popular use in medicine , light industry , agriculture , commodity chemical , bioengineering , etc 尿囊素是一種重要的精細化工產品,用途極為廣泛,普遍應用于醫藥輕工農業日化生物工程等方面。

Ingredients : pure olive essential oil , gingko essence , liquorice essence , codonopsis pilosula , peony , allantoin , tea tree oil etc 成份:清純橄欖精油、銀杏精華、甘草精華、砂參、芍藥、尿囊素、茶樹油等。

Allantoin product introduction vitamin e acetate feed powder vitamin e oil - wuhu huhai biology engineering co . , ltd 尿囊素維生素e粉維生素e油-華海生物工程有限公司

Study on synthesis of allantoin by using molybdoneodymium heteropoly compound catalyst 稀土鉬雜多配合物催化合成尿囊素的研究

Barley of allantoin can promote the healing of gastrointestinal ulcers 大麥中的尿囊素可促進胃腸道潰瘍的愈合。

A study on the synthesis of allantoin with different acids used as catalysts 酸催化劑對尿囊素合成的影響

Research on the synthesis of allantoin 尿囊素合成實驗研究

The synthetic technique of the allantoin 尿囊素的合成技術

Improvement of synthesizing allantoin 尿囊素化學合成的改進

Study on the synthesis of allantoin catalyzed by mixed acid h7pw12o42 h3po 4催化合成尿囊素的研究

Synthesis of allantoin without catalyst 非催化條件下合成尿囊素

The study of technology and application of synthesizing allantoin 化學合成尿囊素及應用的研究

Study on the oxidation of glyoxal for synthesizing allantoin 乙二醛合成尿囊素的氧化過程研究