
allantoic adj.尿囊的;有尿囊的。

Heamagglutination tests were applied to detect virus in allantoic fluid of chicken embryos which were infected by b95 gathered from the vaccinated chickens “ cloacal and oral cavity . the results show that the virus may be detected from 2 days to 11 days after the chicken being vaccinated . the hi antibodies were measured by heamagglutination inhibition tests . there is no significant difference between the immunized and the control chickens which were fed in one case . chickens were immunized with b95 by different immunization meathods or with different vaccines by the same meathod . lt is demonstrated that eyedrop , drinking water , spray or muscle injection all can stimulate good effects , but eyedrop and spray seem to be the best meathods . b95 immunized chicken have relatively higher hi titers and it also can last for a longer time than others 但如果兩者相隔10天以上免疫, b95免疫不受h120的影響;如果同時免疫b95和h120 ,加大b95的免疫劑量也能獲得良好的免疫效果。用棉拭子采b95免疫雞口腔、泄殖腔的分泌液,檢測其中病毒的存在,結果免疫后2 11天雞口腔和泄殖腔中均有病毒的存在,說明b95免疫雞帶毒時間長。研究結果表明, b95具有不受母源抗體干擾、 hi抗體產生快、水平高、持續時間長、同居擴散性強等特點,因此b95是一株優良的、具開發前景的新的新城疫疫苗株。


The results of biological tests have demonstrated that allantoic fluid of the first passage virus did n ' t produce macroscopic pathogenic role to chicken embryos and after passaged for four times , gross lesions were observed in chicken embryo . the virus showed typical coronavirus under electron - microscope and it could n ' t form plaque in cef cells and could hemagglutinates chicken red blood cells after treatment with 1 % trypsin . to surprise , the virus replicated in cef cells also showed hemagglutination activity to chicken red blood cells . in addition , the spf chickens which inoculated with the virus isolated from the chicken damaged tissue showed clinical sign and grow lesion , but it ' s gross lesion did n ' t resemble to those of field outbreaks 生物學特性:雞胚尿囊液經離心、磷鎢酸負染后,電鏡觀察該病毒為典型的冠狀病毒;該毒株的第一代尿囊液對雞胚無肉眼可見的致病作用,當繼代到第5代后,胚體嚴重病變;病毒在雞胚中隨著接種時間的延長,其效價增高, 96h可達到48h的2倍;該毒株可在cef上生長,但不能形成明顯的蝕斑;經1胰酶處理后可凝集雞紅細胞;雞胚的第四代尿囊液病毒回歸動物體,病死雞腎臟呈典型的花斑腎,腺胃則未見肉眼可見的病變。

The amniotic fluid and allantoic fluid of chicken embryo have been analyzed and the resonances of most substances in them were assigned by 1 - dimention and 2 - dimention nuclear magnetic resonance ( nmr ) methods . this work could be the basis of quantitative analysis of metabolites and studying the metabolites changing between the amniotic and allantoic fluid during the hatching process . also , it provided a new way to study the process of embryo developing 用一維及二維液體高分辨核磁共振( nuclearmagneticresonance , nmr )方法綜合分析了雞胚羊水和尿囊液的成分,對其中的大多數譜峰進行了歸屬,發現了一些未經報道的小分子代謝物,為研究胚胎發育過程中各個胚囊中體液的交換和小分子的代謝以及進一步對發育過程中代謝物含量變化的定量研究打下了基礎,并為研究胚胎發育的過程提供了新的思路。

Abstract : in ureide - transporting legumes , ureides ( allantoin and allantoic acid ) are major transportform of biological fixed nitrogen . the distribution , properties , structure and regulation of plant allantoinase were reviewed in detail . the advances in the recent studies on allantoate amidohydrolase and ureidoglycolate amidohydrolase were introduced . and the works desired to be done were pointed out 文摘:全面綜述植物酰脲降解代謝酶的研究現況,概述植物尿囊素酶的分布、性質、結構,以及調節控制,并簡介植物尿囊酸酰胺水解酶和脲基乙醇酸酰胺水解酶的研究近況,同時指出待研究的方向。

Newcastle disease virus ( ndv ) strain 695 , a thermostable nature avirulent strain , were replicated in embryonated chicken eggsand its rna was extracted from allantoic fluid . referred to the reported sequence of f gene , a pair of primers were designed and synthesized . f gene of ndv b95 strain was amplified by rt - pcr , the pcr products were checked by agrose gel electrophoresis and purified by agrose gel fracion method 利用從國外引進的新城疫熱穩定性天然弱毒b _ ( 95 )株接種spf雞胚繁殖病毒,經處理后提取病毒的基因組rna ,參考國內外發表的ndv融合蛋白基因序列,設計一對特異性引物,經反轉錄聚合酶鏈式反應( rt - pcr )擴增出約1700bp大小的特異性片段,將此片段回收純化后,利用t - a克隆技術將其克隆到pgem - t - easy克隆載體中,再轉化大腸桿菌jm109感受態細胞,轉化后經分子量比較、 pcr鑒定和酶切分析篩選陽性克隆。

Heamagglutination tests were applied to detect virus in allantoic fluid of chicken embryos which were infected by b95 gathered from the vaccinated chickens “ cloacal and oral cavity . the results show that the virus may be detected from 2 days to 11 days after the chicken being vaccinated . the hi antibodies were measured by heamagglutination inhibition tests . there is no significant difference between the immunized and the control chickens which were fed in one case . chickens were immunized with b95 by different immunization meathods or with different vaccines by the same meathod . lt is demonstrated that eyedrop , drinking water , spray or muscle injection all can stimulate good effects , but eyedrop and spray seem to be the best meathods . b95 immunized chicken have relatively higher hi titers and it also can last for a longer time than others 但如果兩者相隔10天以上免疫, b95免疫不受h120的影響;如果同時免疫b95和h120 ,加大b95的免疫劑量也能獲得良好的免疫效果。用棉拭子采b95免疫雞口腔、泄殖腔的分泌液,檢測其中病毒的存在,結果免疫后2 11天雞口腔和泄殖腔中均有病毒的存在,說明b95免疫雞帶毒時間長。研究結果表明, b95具有不受母源抗體干擾、 hi抗體產生快、水平高、持續時間長、同居擴散性強等特點,因此b95是一株優良的、具開發前景的新的新城疫疫苗株。

The chickens and chicken embryos were inoculated with variant serotype isolate e of infectious bursal disease virus using cloacal , nosal routes or via the allantoic cavity route , and the histopathological features of the bursa of fabricius of the ibdv _ infected chickens at various intervals of time were systematically investigated 本試驗全面而系統地觀察了傳染性法氏囊病病毒變異e株,通過泄殖腔、鼻腔和尿囊腔接種雛雞和雞胚后不同時間法氏囊的組織形態學變化。

Two ndv strains , lasota and f48e9 , were propagated in 9 - day - old embryonated specific - pathogen - free ( spf ) eggs respectively for 36 hours at 37 , then these chicken embryos were placed at 4 for 12h before the allantoic fluid was gained 首先,將ndvlasota株和f48e9株分別接種于9日齡spf雞胚,于37孵化36h ,置4 12h后收獲雞胚尿囊液。

Viral rnas were extracted from virus - infected allantoic fluids using qiaamp mini - extraction kits . after reverse transcription , cdna was amplified using specific primers for each gene segment 用qiagen的rneasyrna提取試劑盒按說明提取,提取的rna逆轉錄合成cdna , cdna為pgr反應擴增的模板,特異性的引物是針對各個基因片段設計的。

Viral rnas were extracted from virus - infected allantoic fluids using qiaamp mini - extraction kits . after reverse transcription , cdna was amplified using specific primers for each gene segment 用qiagen的rneasyrna試劑盒提取病毒rna后,逆助興才李醫‘筍脂碩圣‘老‘才轉錄合成cdna 。

The a / pr / 8 / 34 ( hln1 ) adapted to mouse lung was propagated in allantoic cavity of 9 - day - old embryonated chicken eggs and titered by hemagglutinin test , and the tilers was 1 : 320 用9日齡雞胚培養人流感病毒的鼠肺適應株戶jp側8 / 34 ( hini ) ,通過血凝實驗測得病毒滴度為1 : 320 。

Angiogenesis promoting effects of chinese herbal medicine for activating blood circulation to remove stasis on chick embryo chorio - allantoic membrane 活血化瘀中藥對雞胚絨毛尿囊膜血管生成的影響