
allan n.阿倫〔男子名, Alan 的異體〕。

( allan , lewis . “ strange fruit . “ perf . billie holliday 路易斯?艾倫: “奇異的果實” 。

Edgar allan poe had announced that “we have at length arrived at that epoch when our literature may and must stand on its own merits or fall through its own defects“ . 艾德加愛倫坡稱:“我們終于到達了這個年代,我們文學的存亡可以而且必然取決于自身的優缺點。


Shortly after the death of hubble in 1953 , allan sandage revised the value into between 50 and 100 哈勃于1953年逝世后不久,桑德奇將h

Allan variance avar 阿倫方差

Prof . allan walker 汪雅量教授

Allan : no . if you could live as an animal , which one would you choose 不是。如果你可以像一種動物那么生活,你會選擇哪一種?

A comparison of the psychological tendencies between allan poe and meng jiao in creation 愛倫坡與孟郊創作心理定勢之比較

Allan : i would be a horse 我要做一匹馬兒。

Allan : well , how about going to church and see how they do mass , ok 這個,我們一起去教堂,看看他們怎么做彌撒,好嗎

The ladies . easy now allan 哇塞,輕點,艾倫。

A : allan ? is this the correct screen for setting margins and line lengths 艾倫?這是設置邊界和行寬的正確畫面嗎

Allan ? is this the correct screen for setting margins and line lengths 艾倫?這是設置邊界和行寬的正確畫面嗎

Allan helps business partners solve a wide range of technical issues Allan幫助商業伙伴解決大量的技術問題。

Edgar allan poe ' s literary theory and its application in the black cat 淺談象征主義在勞倫斯短篇小說中的運用

Allan was sorry to part with his useful camping knife (亞倫對于割讓他那一把實用的露營小刀感到很難過。 )

Perhaps i should toddle off , allan 或許我該回避一下。

Puppet theatre designer : allan tsui 木偶劇場設計:徐碩朋

Mr . allan homeming , director , hong kong venture capital association 香港創業投資協會鍾錫耀先生致開幕辭

The nobel prize in physiology or medicine 1979 : allan mcleod cormack 諾貝爾生理學或醫學獎-阿倫柯馬克