
allah n.(伊斯蘭教的)真主。 Allah is Allah....

“ by allah , if i must die , then please grant me one last wish ! 阿拉!如果我一定得死,那麼請您答應我最后一個愿望吧!

“ we prayed that allah may give him 200 years to live , “ khan said 可汗說: “我們向真主阿拉祈禱,賜予他200年的生命。 ”

“ we prayed that allah may give him 200 years to live , “ khan said 可汗說: “我們向真主阿拉祈禱,賜予他200年的生命。 ”

“ i have never told a lie in my life ! allah may be my witness ! 我這輩子從來沒有說過假話!阿拉可以做我的見證!

The fortunate few cross allah ' s frying pot , 少數幸運者穿過了阿拉的“滾油鍋“ ,


It is allah ' s will 這是阿拉的旨意

Christ man or allah 耶穌又或是安拉

But i trust in allah 但是我相信阿拉

I also bear witness that muhammad is the faithful servant and messenger of allah 我也作證穆罕默德是?的忠仆,也是?的差使。

If allah , buddha or jesus were alive today , would they be greenies 如果阿拉佛陀或耶穌今天還在世,他們會是綠黨的成員嗎?

I am allah ' s disciple 我是安拉的弟子

All praise to allah 贊美歸于真主安拉

In the name of allah , 以阿拉真主的名義

“ by allah , if i must die , then please grant me one last wish ! 阿拉!如果我一定得死,那麼請您答應我最后一個愿望吧!

“ we prayed that allah may give him 200 years to live , “ khan said 可汗說: “我們向真主阿拉祈禱,賜予他200年的生命。 ”

The messenger of allah 真主安拉的代言者

Oh ! masha allah masha allah Oh !主安拉啊

“ we prayed that allah may give him 200 years to live , “ khan said 可汗說: “我們向真主阿拉祈禱,賜予他200年的生命。 ”

And besides , investigators came back , what does allah look like 并且此外,調查人回來,并被問及真主看上去是怎樣的?