
all-round adj.廣博的,多方面的;萬能的,多才多藝的(an al...


We misunderstand the limited nature of news, the illimitable complexity of society; we overestimate our own endurance, public spirit, and all-round competence . 我們誤解了新聞的局限性和社會的無限復雜性,我們過高地估計了自己的承受能力、社會精神和各方面的才能。

Certainly , no all-round knowledge can be acquired merely by glancing this way and that and relying on hearsay . 東張西望,道聽途說,絕然得不到什么完全的知識。

Take grain as the key link , develop a diversified economy and ensure an all-round development . 以糧為綱,多種經營,全面發展。

He boasted to the up-country woman that he was an all-round man . 他對外鄉女人夸海口說他是多面手。

He has had all-round success in his study this term . 他這學期的學習成績奪得了滿堂紅。