
all-out adj.〔俚語〕全力的;全面的;徹底的(an all-o...


Iran's role in western strategy was to pose a barrier to soviet encroachment that could not be surmounted short of all-out invasion . 伊朗在西方戰略中的作用是對蘇聯的侵犯構成一道屏障,除非全力入侵,否則無法逾越。

On the day after his birthday he ordered an all-out counterattack on the russians in the southern suburbs of berlin . 在生日的第二天,他下令向柏林南郊的俄國人發動全面反攻。

Under the doctrine of flexible response we would still resort to all-out war if necessary . 按照靈活反應理論,我們在必要時,仍然要訴諸全力以赴的戰爭。

They decided to wage a war of attrition rather than to rely on an all-out attack . 他們決定打一場消耗戰,而不搞全線出擊。

He went all-out in describing its splendor, beauty and delights . 他竭盡全力地描寫它那令人觀止的美景和賞心的樂事。

The strike proved to be an all-out battle between management and labour . 這次罷工結果演成勞資之間一場徹底的格斗。

Since we are going to be in a confrontation we should go all-out . 既然我們已經陷入一場對抗,我們就應當全力以赴。