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all over adj. 全,滿。2.n. 全花織物。


The contents of the drawers were strewn all over the place . 抽屜里的東西亂七八糟。

If the worst comes to the worst , we 'll start all over again . 大不了再從頭開始。

People all over the world unite ! 全世界人民聯合起來!

It sticks out all over your mug . 你的嘴臉上都貼滿了。

We have friends all over the world . 我們的朋友遍天下。

His books are all over the place . 他的書零亂地散置著。

The party was all over by 10 p.m . 聚會晚上十點鐘結束。

Young people are running around all over the place . 年輕人正在這個地方四處亂竄。

Walter jumps all over the place like a water flea . 瓦爾特跳來跳去,活象個水蚤。

He has “coast” written all over him . 他渾身上下是海濱氣息(他是海邊長大的)。

I have looked for it all over the shop . 我到處都找過了。

There are many subordinate courts all over the country . 全國有許多初級的法院。

The wall is covered all over with ivy . 墻上爬滿了常春藤。

He has open sores all over his arms . 他的胳膊上長著爛瘡。

War fever was rising all over the middle east . 戰爭狂熱正在整個中東地區升溫。

She gave the floor a vigorous sponge all over . 她用海綿把地板使勁兒擦了一遍。

He looked all over for the lost book . 他四處尋找遺失的書。

By the time i came on the scene , it was all over . 我來到時,一切都結束了。

It gave someone gooseflesh and he shuddered all over . 毛骨悚然,通體寒栗。