
all adj.1.所有的,全部的,整個的,一切的。2.非常的,...

all clear

I'm all through with the mark fourteen . 十四型魚雷我可算領教夠了。

He's connected to all the right people . 與他有關系的人都是正派人。

I was up all night with a sick child . 我陪伴著生病的孩子徹夜未眠。

I am not interested in such trifles at all . 我根本不理會這些小事。

He sowed all his wild oats before he married . 他荒唐夠了才結婚的。

They dissipate all night and sleep all day . 他們白天睡覺,整夜鬼混。

That's what life is all about-timing . 人生一世,一切在于掌握時機。

I've gone through all the traces too . 我還仔細查閱了所有的歷史記載。

Index all the quoted names in a book . 把書中提到的所有人名編入索引。

Don't worry, all will turn out right . 不用擔心,一切都會如愿以償的。

The raid was all over in three minutes . 搶劫前后一共只持續了三分鐘。

The fish will bite all the better for the rain . 下雨天魚更會上鉤。

The telephone started drilling all of a sudden . 電話突然嗡嗡響起來。

I might as well be dead for all he cares . 我即使死了他也毫不關心。

Bonneville was very lively at all times . 波恩維爾一天到晚都很熱鬧。

She tore up all the letters he had sent her . 她把他寫來的信都撕了。

I shall have to toil and moil all my days . 我必須一年到頭拼命地干。

Personally , i do not like him at all . 就我而言,我一點都不喜歡他。

There they were, all the birds in the world . 普天之下的飛禽都來了。