
alkalosis n.堿中毒。


Hypokalemia itself may produce a metabolic alkalosis , since an increase in excretion of hydrogen ions occurs when the concentration of potassium in the tubular cells in low 低鉀血癥可引起代謝性堿中毒,因為當在腎小管細胞中鉀離子濃度降低時氫離子的排泄就增加了。

In addition , movement of hydrogen ions into the cells as a consequence of potassium loss is partly responsible for the alkalosis 此外,鉀丟失的引起氫離子向細胞內轉移,這也是堿中毒的其中一個原因。

Respiratory alkalosis may be associated with loratadine overdosage and patients should be monitored for this complication 呼吸性堿中毒可能超劑量的氯雷他定有關,應當注意病人的這種并發癥。

Thus , in alkalosis , the increased potassium ion excretion in exchange for sodium ion permits hydrogen ion conservation 因此在堿中毒中,鈉鉀交換的增加使氫離子保留。

Increased renal excretion occurs with both respiratory and metabolic alkalosis 在呼吸性堿中毒和代謝性堿中毒中鉀離子的腎排泄增加。

Alkalosis and potassium depletion may be pronounced . 可能有堿中毒和缺鉀。