
alkaline adj.堿的,含堿的,堿性的;強堿的。n.堿性。

alkaline earth

Zinc powder for mercury - free alkaline zinc - manganese dioxide battery 無汞堿性鋅-二氧化錳電池用鋅粉

Designation of alkaline secondary cell 堿性蓄電池型號命名方法

New degreasing technology of pneumatophorus japonicus by alkaline lipase method 鮐魚酶法脫脂技術

Nickel - iron alkaline rechargeable battery tn350 Tn350堿性蓄電池

The sole stress factor of alkaline salt is its high ph value 堿性鹽所獨有的脅迫因素是高ph值。

The positive technology of alkaline zinc manganese battery 從廢舊鋅錳電池中回收鋅和錳的工藝研究

Graphite for mercury - free alkaline zinc - manganese dioxide battery 無汞堿性鋅-二氧化錳電池用石墨

Maintenance of alkaline etching solution in aluminium anodizing process 鋁陽極氧化堿蝕槽的維護

Test method for acid and alkaline - resistance of porous ceramic 多孔陶瓷耐酸堿腐蝕性能試驗方法

An improved alkaline lysis adaptive to extracting plasmid dna of bacillus 提取的改良堿裂解法

Peony alkaline battery hongdan alkaline battery 網絡實名:牡丹電池

Zinc - air oxygen alkaline battery type pr20 Pr20型鋅空氣氧堿性電池

General specification for alkaline nickel - iron rechargeable batteries 鐵鎳堿性蓄電池總規范

Analytical method of alkaline surfactant polymer flooding system 復合驅油體系性能測試方法

Metal recovery from carbon - zinc battery and alkaline cell 碳鋅和堿性電池的金屬回收的研究

What shall we grow in this alkaline soil 我們應該在堿性土壤里種什么?

The preparation and characterization of m sio2 type alkaline 2型強堿性催化劑的制備及表征

Seminal fluid , on the other hand , is alkaline 另一方面,精液是堿性的。

Formulation design of alkaline batteries conductive coatings 堿性電池導電涂料的配方設計