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alkali soil 堿土。


The study reveals that the infected soil is of high ph value and low effective iron content and the afore - said infected trees and plants suffer from a deficiency of iron for their normal growth , as the alkali soil is lack of effective iron , and the insufficiency in turn weakens the rhizome of the trees to absorb iron effectively and impedes the movement of iron along the trunk and branches 結果表明:舟山市朱家尖苗木基地紅楠黃化是由于基地土壤呈堿性,致使土壤中缺少有效態鐵,影響了根系對鐵的吸收和鐵在樹體內的移動及有效性,不能滿足紅楠正常生長對鐵的需要而引起的缺綠黃化癥。

Study an effect of using sulfur - removal waste residue ( the vice - product produced by sulfur - removal device of the factory using coal as energy resource to absorb oxidizing sulfur , whose mainly composition is gypsum ) as an amendment to the alkali soil in theory . with certain water as leaching requirement leaching soil column indoor employed with certain quantity sulfur - removal waste residue after collecting and analyzing representative soil sample . collecting and analyzing the filtrate , then calculate the data and speculate the result to guide the field production 本文重點是對煤煙脫硫廢渣(利用煤炭作為能源的工廠的除硫裝置消除硫氧化物后的副產物,主要成分為石膏)改良堿土進行理論研究,方法上以室內土柱淋溶模擬為主,采集有代表性的堿土并分析其成分后,采用小水量定額灌洗,收集分析濾液化學成分,進行推理分析計算并指導田間的生產實際。

In this research project , the agrobacterium tumefaciens mediated transformation of badh gene of tetraploid black locust has been studied , for the purpose of improving resistance to soline - alkali and drought of tetraploid black locust ; of playing more important role in developing of waste lands , ameliorating of soline - alkali soil , and greening and beautifying of surface - mined lands , mine waste dumps , slopes of roads and railroads where restoration of vegetative cover has proven difficult ; of fully making benefits of its ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen in the soil 為了進一步提高四倍體刺槐的耐鹽性和抗旱性,進一步擴大其適宜種植的生態范圍,充分發揮其固氮、改良土壤的特性,在我國的城鎮綠化、荒山造林、鹽堿地改良以及采礦跡地、公路、鐵路邊坡等植物生長困難土地的植被恢復中發揮其優勢,本實驗對四倍體刺槐進行了農桿菌介導的甜菜堿醛脫氫酶基因轉化的研究。

Sediment in the lower yellow river irrigation is mainly treated with warping and improvement of saline - alkali soil , low and waste lands , which plays an important role in improving the ecological environment and developing the agricultural production in the areas by two banks of the lower yellow river 黃河下游引黃灌溉中的泥沙主要采取放淤改土、改造低洼鹽堿沙荒地,對黃河下游兩岸發展工農業生產、改善生態環境,起到了重要作用。

A causal diagnosis is conducted on the yellows of machilus thunbergii by means of the soil - plant chemical analysis , enzyme diagnosis , and field experiments , which grow in the saline - alkali soil at zhujiajian nursery stock base 摘要采用土壤植物化學分析、酶學診斷和田間試驗對舟山市朱家尖苗木基地鹽堿地土壤紅楠黃化成因進行了研究。

It was difficult for upland crops to grow on the saline - alkali soil in the coastal plain and liaohe river regions 在沿海平原和遼河流域鹽堿土上很難種植旱地作物。

Perspective analyses on film trickle irrigation application and the present status of treating alkali soil 膜下滴灌技術應用與土壤鹽堿化治理的現狀及前景分析

Study on the feature of saline alkali soil particle fractal dimension in songnen plain and the application 松嫩平原鹽堿地土壤顆粒分形維數研究及其應用

Study on effect of using three soil conditioners to phosphorus validity of soda - alkali soil 不同改良劑對蘇打堿土磷有效性影響的研究

The application and effect of desulphurized waste of flue gas in improving alkali soil 煙氣脫硫廢棄物在堿化土壤改良中的應用及效果

The thinking about resume the ecologic environment of the saline - alkali soil of daqing 關于大慶地區鹽堿地生態環境恢復建設的思考

Determination of technique parameters for saline - alkali soil through drip irrigation under film 鹽堿地膜下滴灌技術參數的確定

The effect on phosphorous nutrition in alkali soil by different ameliorative ways 不同改良方法對鹽堿土壤磷素營養的影響

Effect of improved saline alkali soil chemical character by phosphate plaster 磷石膏改良鹽堿地土壤化學性質的效果

Formation characters and exploitation of saline - alkali soil in northwest china 西北地區鹽漬土形成特點及開發利用

Resources of wild medicinal plants over saline - alkali soil in shandong province 山東省鹽堿地野生藥用植物資源

A . splendens is a pioneer plant in saline - alkali soil ameliortion 摘要芨芨草是鹽堿化土地改良中的先鋒草種。

The application and effect of ardealite in improving the alkali soil 分子標記技術在果樹上的應用